Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3017: I know that I am pleased, I know that I am wrong.

Chapter 3017 knows to please me, and I know that I am wrong.

Before the collection of the four holy beasts.

At night, I don’t want to tell myself all the brothers in the Devil’s class.

Saying it in advance will only make them more worried.

After all, the upper three circles...

For those in Nirvana, it is a place that people yearn for, but very dangerous.

"Right!" Liu Xiaoyu suddenly thought of something. "The cat has wanted to come over, but... the dean and the master of the ghost Wu, there seems to be something to deal with, can't pull away... Mo Shao will force the cat to buckle At the side, I stayed at Shang Xuan College."

She licked the beauty of her cheeks: "Mr. let me talk to you, don't worry about cats, he will take good care of cats and cats."

This Zou ink...

Are the people all so bright?

Her little cat and sister are so cute.

So he was turned away by him?


The scorpion of the glass cat.

If she really does not want to stay with Zou Mo.

It must be stirred up and turned over.

It can be seen that the glass cat is actually reluctant to leave Zou Mo.

The night is clear and grinning: "But it’s gone, the woman is not left, the kitten in my house is really being turned away by the wild man."

Wild man?

In the minds of the brothers of the Devil's Class, the appearance of Zou Mo emerged.

Immediately, they nodded in agreement.

Well, it looks like a wild man!

The atmosphere gradually returned to normal.

A group of people eat and talk.

In the near future, everyone’s affairs have been said in a concise manner.

Also let the night clear to understand the recent period, the magic class in the development of Shang Xuan College.

For example, Liu Xiaoyu, Tao Tao, and others have joined the magic class.

For example, Liu Xiaoyu found evidence of the collusion between Si Yanmu and the dark forces in the president's office of the hospital.

Ever since, Si Yanmu was arrested and Liu Xiaoyu replaced him and became the new president of Shang Xuan College.

For example, when preparing to torture Si Yan Mu, Si Yan Mu was given by the people of the dark forces.

Further determined that Si Yan Mu is a person of dark forces.

Therefore, the division has also suffered.

Under the joint efforts of the monarch and the night Fengjing, the division was removed.

Things like this, and so on.

The last topic was terminated, one who couldn’t hold it, fell asleep on the pillars, and fell to the students on the ground.

When the night falls, everyone will find a room to rest.

In the lobby, it gradually recovered.

The night fell and yawned, leaning into the arms of Emperor Xu Xuan, his hands hooked his neck: "A Xuan, hug."

Emperor Mo Xuan coveted, lazy peach blossoms, sparkling with a fairy stream.

His thin lips are light, and he smiles like a girl.

Then, in the girl's flirtatious light, slowly leaned down and put it in her ear, whispering: "Know me, please, you know where you are wrong."

This low-pitched voice has a fascinating magnetism.

The small heart that clears the night is a plop, and it doesn't stop.

Her delicate body trembled.

The more pleasant a man is.

The lips that were in her ear were slightly open.

Thin lips lick over the earlobe.

At night, the five fingers were cleared, and the robes of Emperor Xu Xuan were tightened.

"Small, in front of my face, eat the meals made by other men, so sweet to eat... the penalty."

He is a word, magnetic and mellow.

"I... I was really hungry..." The night cleared and whispered.


Emperor Mo Xuan thin lips moved, spit out two words, then, then opened his mouth and slammed his ears on the night, took a bite.

(End of this chapter)

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