Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2984: I miss you thinking about going crazy

Chapter 2984 thinks you think about going crazy

Three days later.

The night fell and Tang Beiyi walked out of the refining hall.

The two people were scattered and their face was stunned, and the blue color under the eyes was a tired color.

At night, I yawned and yawned. While walking, I looked at Tang Beiyi: "North, you should go back to rest."

"What about you?" After three days of refining weapons, Tang Beiyi finally changed the name of the night, and changed back to call her name.

The night is lazy and stretches and stretches: "If you don't want to be late, you can't waste any more time. I will go back and sort out myself, and I will take the weapon and A Xuan to the South China mainland."

"I will go too." Tang Beiyi slightly hooked his lower lip, full of exhaustion, and did not cover her eyes. "I am going back to sorting out myself, you wait for me."

"You..." The night fell and the eyebrows were twisted. "You should be very clear. If you are in the South, you may have a life worry."

"I know." Tang Beixiao smiled. "So I have to go."

The night cleared the lips and silenced.

Tang Beiyi patted her shoulder and smiled very calmly: "Not to mention, these weapons against the dead bodies are made by me. I go with them and it is easy to play the biggest role of each weapon. Advantage."

"It's good to think about it yourself." There was no more dissuasion in the night, and she respected no one's choice.

I went to the entrance of the Imperial Palace with Tang Beiyi, and I went to the courtyard at night.

Just turned around.

In the middle of the breath, he broke into the man's familiarity with the elegant sandalwood.

Her eyes were slightly bright and her mouth raised her smile.

"I'm sorry, I have to deal with the Imperial Palace things, it's late." On the top of the head, the gentle magnetic sound of the man floated down.

The night was full of exhaustion, and I was unceremoniously leaning my weight on the mind of Emperor Xu Xuan: "Peace, hold me back."

Just put your own hand, wrapped around the waist of God's ink.

When the night fell, I suddenly thought of something, satisfied with a face, then hurriedly extended my hands and pushed the emperor Xuan Xuan: "Wait... wait, can't hold me now!"

She just struggled.

The man's arms are tightened.

A strong male hormone, almost intoxicated with the heart of the night.

Emperor Mo Xuan thin lips scorned: "Three days have disappeared, I think you think about going crazy, how can you not hold you?"

The love words of men are low and dull and full of magnetism.

A pair of hot scorpions, as if burning fire.

The cheeks that fell at night were reddish.

The brain has been fascinated by the man's love skills.

But the body, still small, resists the intimate embrace of men.

Emperor Xu Xuan holds her push-pull hands, low dull voice, mellow and sexy: "I don't see you for three days, you don't want me?"

She wants to answer no.

You can have a slight lip, but you can't spit out half a word.

For Mao, every time she was beaten by the beautiful man of Emperor Xu Xuan.

"Why refused me?" Di Mo Xuan saw that she was not struggling, low dumb chuckle, continue to seduce.

At night, his hands were held by him, and his body was buckled in his arms. He could not escape.

Finally, I can only blush, sly opening: "I... didn't take a bath for three days, the taste... stinks..."

After she finished, she buried her face in the arms of Emperor Xu Xuan.

I don’t want to talk about embarrassment!


After she finished.

Silence, silence, filled the sky.

This makes the night clear and embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, she was irritated by this strange atmosphere, and her head was lifted and glared at Di Mo Xuan...


[(Di Mo Xuan): The energy of the monthly ticket has already filled the deity sister skills! The deity must be arrogant! No one can stop the depravity of the deity! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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