Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2970: Who wants to take away the deity?

Chapter 2970 Who wants to take away the deity?

All the people, proud of the momentum of the world, even the air is shocked and condensed.

Their appearance, like a huge stone, pressed down.

Even the consistently unassuming, fearless of any **** and other people, have widened their eyes in horror.

"It's you?!"

The sight of the night fell on the man who stood at the forefront and headed.

The man, looking serious, a look of integrity.

When I saw the night falling, the eyes of the man were also showing a strange color.

"Balancing the history of adults." The night cleared the lips and smiled. "Long time no see."

These dozens are not others.

It was just before the Battle of Xiqiao on the mainland that her mysterious jade broke out and attracted the balance of history!

The man headed by him is also the master of the history he saw last time.

That is the boss of these dozens of balanced historians.


The history of the palm was staring at the night, and the line of sight glanced at the night and the eyes fell on the ground, and the face was lying on the ground, and the face was full of flesh and blood.

He tightened his brow and said aloud: "You are the one who reported her, using illegal means, from the lower bound, smuggling to the upper bound?"

From the body that fell from the night, the history of the palm did not feel that she had the atmosphere of being qualified in the realm of the land.


Thinking of the night, the mysterious power...

The look of the history of the palm has changed a little.

The smile of the night's lips is thicker, and the long and narrow smiles are also bent: "Should be me, like the people present, only one of me, the lower bound."

The dozen or so historical officials behind him were also the last time to see the Qing Dynasty on the Xiqiao mainland.

I also know that my own master of the history of the family seems to have any scruples about the night.

At this time, the person who reported the report was her.

Each face has a complex look.

"According to the law of the Lord God, you as a person in the lower bound, smuggling into the upper bound, has violated the peace between the interfaces. And, you are the report of the people of the land, the history of this hand will bring you back to the heavens survey."

The history of the palm of the hand looks serious and clear to the night: "Night girl, I believe that you will not make your own history difficult."

The night cleared up like a smile and raised his eyebrows: "Of course, this is the responsibility of your master."

"Thank you for knowing the night and clearing the whole body." The history of the palms of the night is not as fangs as the last time, so that he also has no words to refute, and so cooperated, suddenly relieved.

If yes.

He really didn't want to meet again at night.

The history of the palm does not want to be extravagant, even when picking up the chain, it goes to the night.

However, the history of the palm is not yet close to the night.

A majestic and terrifying mystery, picked up from the ground.

Turned into a mysterious wave, traversing the front of the night, blocking the pace of the history of the palm.

The history of the palm of the hand, a dull look toward the direction of mysterious force.

"A long time no see, the history official of the heavenly realm can also take away the deity of the deity under the eyes of the deity?"

The low-dumb magnetic voice is extremely deterrent.

The emperor's black-sleeved robes moved, and the mysterious power of the ground swayed, turning into a hurricane.

Forced to go back a few steps.

After hearing the voice, the history of the palm showed a horror.

The line of sight follows the sound.

In the Huanren, a figure of a long figure is reflected.

The purple robe fluttered like a double-winged, fragrant Fang, burning its demon.

When the line of sight of the palm of your hand is settled on the face of the person.

The whole person is in the same place.

"The Emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor..."


This is a supplement chapter~

(End of this chapter)

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