Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2951: Replace the status of the Imperial Palace in the world of Nirvana

Chapter 2951 replaces the status of the Imperial Palace in the world of Nirvana

Bai Su's sly smile, stiff on his face.

Immediately, a little bit, covered with a layer of anger.

She violently walked, lifted her hand and went to the direction of Di Mo Xuan, and took it directly: "Bad boy! You can say these three words to try!"

Even in the enchantment.

It’s clear that the night falls.

Bai Su’s palm, there is really no mercy.

Carrying the waves of the storm, it is completely to engulf the rhythm of the emperor.

Emperor Mo Xuan also did not remove the gods, nor did he make the slightest counterattack.

Until that one palm, the face fell, and Emperor Xu Xuan covered it.

At night, the eyebrows fell slightly and squatted from the soft chair.

She raised her hand, and the slender fingers put on the gauze and was about to get out of the car.

A maid swayed and blocked her movements with her hands.

At night, the brows are tightened, and the ice is cold and looks at the maid.

Suddenly, a purple light in front of her eyes attracted her attention.

The palms of the wind spread out, and the Emperor Xuan Xuan’s long figure appeared in the eyes of the night.

The body of Emperor Mo Xuan is surrounded by a layer of faint purple mans.

His eyebrows were calm and he waved his sleeves.

The purple awns on the body, and the mysterious forces entwined with the whole body, spread out in an instant.

"If you have something to say, don't bother the deity." Di Mo Xuan is impatient with the micro-Emei peak.

After that, he will look at the line and look at the night.

It seems to be aware that the night falls and wants to get out of the car.

He licked his thin lips and shook his head slowly toward her. The thin lips moved and spit out two words: "Wait for me."

Seeing that Emperor Mo Xuan was safe and sound, the night was also relieved.

Her gaze has been lingering on the body of Di Mo Xuan and Bai Su.

The brain complements the relationship between the two.

Bai Su's face is cold and cold, and the eyes are full of anger. Obviously, he is still angry with the three words of Emperor Xu Xuan.

So, she squinted and said dryly: "The things you asked me to check have already been a bit of a look. And... the light dance also brought me a few messages, let me inform you of the little beauty."

Light dance?

Jun light dance?

When I heard the name at night, I immediately asked, "What news does the little light dance bring to you?"

After the appearance of the dark palace, it was noticed that the dark palace was not right.

Jun light dance specially went to the upper three circles to investigate the people behind the dark palace.

After investigating for such a long time, I did not see Jun Jun dance back.

She still thought, find a chance, from Di Mo Xuan here, inquire about the news of Jun light dance.

"You guessed it right. The people behind the dark palace are indeed the people in the upper three circles." Bai Su did not sell the Guan, directly said, "Just, it is impossible to know, who is that person, but can be sure Yes... In the dark palace, there are already many forces in the upper three circles to join..."

Bai Su Dunton, looking at the Emperor Xu Xuan: "That is to say ... the dark palace wants to replace the position of the Imperial Palace in the world of Nirvana..."

"In the eyes of the upper bounds, isn't the world of Nirvana a mean existence for them? Why are they interested in the power of the lower bound?" The night cleared the words and asked doubts.

"This point... At present, we can't find anything. The people behind it are so hidden." Baisu shook his head and looked at him for a long while, guessing, "Maybe, because the emperor is in the world of Nirvana, so that Everyone feels that there is something special about Nirvana?"

This explanation...

To be honest, it sounds like there is a little truth.

However, it is really far-fetched.

The night cleared the lips, and stunned the sly, and the dark uterus in the near future, all the actions in the world of Nirvana, quickly replayed in my mind.

Immediately, she blinked: "I have a guess..."


[More today~

The high-speed rail ticket sold too fast, the ink master did not grab the ticket, can only sit in the sleeper home QAQ cry! I’m in the car all day, and I’m still in the car at night, so... there’s no update at night~ The babies don’t have to wait for updates at night~ I’ll be at home tomorrow, after I’m rest, I’ll start to renew my updates~ ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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