Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2944: Take the emperor away from you

Chapter 2944 takes the Emperor Supreme away from you


On the four sides of the car, the four maids who stood still did not move, and they rushed to the front of the night.

The four maids noticed the movement of Bai Mei from the beginning.

Do not do it, just because the night is falling.

They also know that a white, not at all, will not be the opponent of the night.


This sudden strength.

Aroused their vigilance.

A maid quickly greeted the piece of something that was like a broken bamboo, and opened it.


A slight noise.

That thing was stunned by the maid.

It turned into a faint, as if there was no lethality, slowly... falling down.

The night cleared and looked at the past.

That turned out to be...

A leaf!

That's right, it's just one piece, ordinary, and the leaves are split into two halves!

The hazelnuts that fell in the night, shrunk slightly.

She did hear that if it is strong, even water can condense into a sharp blade and take life.

A leaf is used as a hidden weapon.

It is not impossible.


A person is really strong to what kind of situation.

Can you use a leaf to create... such a powerful energy? !

The speed of the spin is fast.

She can't tell, it's just a leaf.

If it were not her body, she had an instinctive reaction to danger.

It is very likely that she can't avoid it!

Who is it?

Why, do you do it to her?

At night, the eyebrows are slightly blurred, and the eyes are removed from the leaves.

"Sister - sister!"

Bai Mei’s ecstatic voice suddenly sounded.

This scream can almost shake the Hell House.

Bai Mei struggled to get up from the ground, and his eyes stared in the direction: "Sister, you are here to save me! You are here to save me!"


These two words make the night's ears clear, and there is a moment of humming.

Her eyes trembled.

There is a reaction, not that she does not believe in Di Mo Xuan.

She knows that Di Mo Xuan and Bai Mei's sister have no enthusiasm between men and women.

Yes, listen to Bai Mei once and twice, and swear in the name of "sister."

It is absolutely deceptive to say that there is no discomfort in my heart.

At this point, the "sister" who heard Bai Mei called really appeared.

In the heart of the night, there is an indescribable complex taste that permeates.

She licked her lips slightly, her eyes followed the white swaying, and looked over in the past...

This look made the night clear and slightly stunned.

In front of me, I didn’t imagine that the arrogant and domineering female BOSS appeared in the game.

Just a thin figure, as if it is blended with the air, looming.

I saw the night when the old man showed the spirit of the night, and he recognized it at a glance. It was a thin figure... it was a spirit.

Bai Mei’s sister is a touch of spirit?

"How did you come?"

When there is doubt in the night.

Behind him, there was a man’s low voice.

That voice, can't hear any emotions.

However, the night is clear.

The voice of the man was obviously milder.

In other words...

That is the body of the spirit, indeed, is the mysterious sister of Bai Mei?

"Merce has troubled you." The voice of the spirit is very gentle, and it is the unique gentleness of the Jiangnan woman.

Naturally, it is not deliberate.

"Sister, you... how can you help me to say it to me! Look at me, you see me now! That splashing people, not only will the emperor take away from you, but also make me look like this, Still want to cut my face! You have to help me revenge!"

When Bai Mei listened to her own sister, she was in a hurry.


[baby are so smart~Hhhh congratulations, you are right~]

First, I have to get up again at 8:00 today, and then I am going around, and I am busy going back to the hotel until the evening. The rest of the update, I will write it after I return to the hotel~

Visually tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will go home!

(End of this chapter)

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