Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2941: Jumping beam clown, self-imposed

Chapter 2941 Jumping the clown, not self-reliant


Xuan Mang bloomed on him.

The smoke is rolling, and the waves are raging.

Everyone can see clearly...

Lao Lie lay in a huge deep pit.

The chest was sinister and poked a hole.

A steady stream of blood oozes from the hole.

The whole face of the old pain is twisted and twisted.

Let the **** and other people have a cold back...

The old anger that was poked out of a hole, actually... not dead yet!

Is the Emperor of the Emperor... Don't let him die?

The people in Hell's self-sufficiency have become a metamorphosis in the madman.

See Emperor Xu Xuan.

They only understand deeply.

Strong in own strong hands!

Emperor Supreme did not even think about their life!

Just want them to die!

Struggling on the verge of fear and death.

Their eyes, little by little, moved to the evil tyrant, moved to the cold, and moved to the old sage.

Suddenly, cold sweats.

All attention is concentrated on the people of Di Mo Xuan and Hell.

No one noticed...

A slender figure, staggering, walked in the direction of the car.

She swayed, her steps were vain, and she moved hard.

Car seat, no wind automatically.

The four white maids of the four maids danced with the wind.

Suddenly, the girl in the car, the five fingers gently knocked.

The invisible wind is calm and calm.

Slim figure, shaking, and finally close to the car.

She held her breath, grabbed her breath, and prevented the maids who were standing next to the sedan.

The maid's gaze has been settled on Di Mo Xuan.

It seems that she did not find her close.

The slender figure smashed the eyes of the sullen, sullen and distorted girl in the sedan.

Suddenly, the figure slammed.

It turned into a residual image, directly toward the car, flying away.

The long gauze skirt, like a blue smoke, is scattered in the air.



The figure, in the midst of rapid, rushed to the car, just a step away.

The four maids who were nervously staring at Di Mo Xuan suddenly raised their right hand at the same time.

A purple light floats.

The mysterious power of the majestic, covering the entire car.

The delicate figure of the slim figure hits the floating energy of the purple light.

The severe pain of heartbreaking lungs instantly eroded the senses of the slender figure.

The gauze hanging down the sedan slowly floats.

In the vagueness, the girl’s exquisite face is revealed.

The girl’s mouth sneered with sneer and sneer, and the face of the city was also a playful look.

She was very lazy and leaned against the soft chair.

Three thousand blue silk, sprinkled behind her.

Then, the girl bent and flirtatized, the pink lips also evoked, fixedly looking at the front, extremely distorted slender figure, word by word, whispered: "White, don't be like a jumping clown, never Measure."

Bai Mei was enchanted and flew, and the sound of "咚" slammed on the ground.

I heard the words of the night ridiculous.

Bai Mei bites his silver teeth and raises his head slyly. The resentful sorrow falls to the night.

That beautiful face of the city.

That is full of irony laughs.

That attitude that she dismissed.

Let the white facial features become more and more distorted.


She is dying today!

I did not intend to go back alive!

Before you die, you will be able to clear the night and bring it to hell!

It’s enough!

Bai Mei tightened his fist and slammed the ground with force, and braced to climb from the ground.

The madness and embarrassment of the fundus, like what is nourished, continues to grow roots.

A strange black gas spread from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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