Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2931: He hurt the woman of the deity

Chapter 2931, he hurts the woman of the deity

Anyone can see it.

Both the evil tyrant and the cold devotee have been completely abolished.

I can hang a sigh now.

That must be a special method used by Emperor Mo Xuan, or a medicinal medicine...

Life is better than death.

It is the heaviest punishment!

"Imperial Master, this is the Lord of Hell in My Hell House! You hurt the Lord of Hell in the Hell House so!" The middle-aged man screamed angrily. "Don't you, the Emperor of the Emperor wants to Can the Hell House declare war?"

Emperor Mo Xuan eyebrows contemptuous.

It’s just Yu Guang, who falls on middle-aged men.

The middle-aged man’s back was cold, and he’s swearing in the face, and suddenly he went down.

Emperor ink thin lips, gently sway.

It seems to be evil, but it is piercing the ice cold: "Lord of the Hell House?"

The middle-aged man was stunned and afraid of shrinking his neck.

"Since it is the Lord of the Hell House, then ... his behavior is to represent the entire Hell House, right?" Di Mo Xuan did not see his fear, glaring at the cold smile, faintly Asked.

His tone is calm.

And can't hear the half-wave.

However, when the last two words of Emperor Mo Xuan spit out.

The middle-aged man only felt that the air around him seemed to solidify.

There is no end to the cold, carrying the surging suffocating.

He was oppressed and could not breathe.

The middle-aged man was forced to step back a few steps, and the body trembled at a speed visible to the naked eye: "What exactly did the hellites do... annoyed the Emperor..."

"He hurt the woman of the deity."

With the sound of the emperor Xuan Bingbing cold sounds.

Then, in the air, suddenly there was a powerful force.

Like a stormy wave, rushing down.

The middle-aged man did not even have a chance to respond.


A **** water spit from his mouth.

The whole person, then slammed back and forth.

His body was heavily shackled in the tearing mouth, the general door.

Immediately, the heavy land fell on the ground.


Another huge roar.

The ground collapsed.

Especially the direction of the middle-aged man landing, a deep trace.

"Old fierce!"

Suddenly, from the Hell House, there were several violent voices.

Immediately, I saw several men who were similar in age to middle-aged men, and who were equally unscrupulous and incompetent, rushed out.

One of them raised a middle-aged man lying on the ground.

Several other people, stopped in front of the middle-aged man, glared at the direction of Emperor Mo Xuan: "Emperor, the Hell House has always been in the world, how can it hurt your woman? Still investigating clearly!"

Emperor Xu Xuan’s hands were behind him, his posture was very expensive, and he had a pair of peach blossoms, and he smiled and smiled at the few people.

His gaze.

Just just fell on those people.

Suddenly, I saw Emperor Mo Xuan’s robes, and there was no wind and time.

The powerful energy is swept down.


The few people, like the middle-aged men, were directly flew out.

On the ground, several people fell down.

Can do it, definitely not BB.

Emperor Xu Xuanlian is just looking at the eyes, they are too lazy to give them.

"you you……"

The middle-aged man was seriously injured by Emperor Xu Xuan, and then he saw the arrogant behavior of Emperor Mo Xuan. When he was so angry, he spurted a **** water: "You are so deceiving too much!"

The people in their hell, the shackles, and the brutality to the extreme.

Never suffered such humiliation!

did not expect……

The legendary Emperor is an adult.

It’s simpler and rougher than they are!

(End of this chapter)

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