Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2918: In order to fight for my heart

Chapter 2918, in order to fight for love


Gu Jingyu made a scream in his mouth and slammed his face.

In front of the eyes, due to the fall of the broken wood, a white dust.

Gu Jingyu did not have time to see clearly, everything in front of him.

The night was clear and soft, and it was a little stiff.

The hanging heart is also loose.

However, the night has not yet breathed.

The next moment.

A gentle and powerful arm, tightly incorporated her into her arms.

Then, a red robe wrapped her delicate body tightly.

During the breath, the familiar sandalwood breaks in.

The night was clear and the eyes were slightly bright, and the bottom of the eyes overflowed with joy.

"A Xuan!"

Her hoarse voice, the joyful opening called out the man's name.

She slowly lifted her throat.

The man in front of him, a purple robe, the wind is perfect.

That handsome beauty is like a god's face, which is reflected in her close-knit.

Such as the peach blossoms of the ink, lingering with the streamer.

How to look, it is so cold that it is so suffocating and suffocating.

Only when the sight of the night fell, fell in the eyes of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The heart twitched a little.

The man’s eyebrows are the exhausted colors that can’t be concealed.

Below the corners of the eyes, shallow cyan appears.

Obviously, she was sleeping for a few days.

Emperor Xu Xuan has never had a rest.

"A Xuan..." The night's low opening, called him, his voice was full of distress.

She lifted her hand hard and tried to put on the man's tired eyebrows.

However, her hand, when it was halfway through, was still unable to hang down.

Di Mo Xuan accurately grasped her and put her hand on her face: "I am."

Gentle whispers, like warm currents, flow through.

This scene is warm.

Some people are warm and some are worried.

The five maids next to me, at the moment they saw Di Mo Xuan, were so scared that they were pale and trembled.

The courage was small, and he snorted directly, squatting on the ground and shivering.

In particular, I heard the voice of Di Mo Xuan so gentle to the extreme.

The few maids were more and more scared.

The face of the beggar was flushed, and Gu Jingyu, who had drawn several mouths, slammed the cover on the face and glared at the front.

In the scene of seeing Emperor Mo Xuan and the night clear, sweet and sweet.

In the Huanren, there is a deep black.

He clenched his fists and tried to restrain himself. He was full of love for the night, and he gnashed his teeth: "Emperor, even if you are an emperor, you can't force the Qing to be with you! Since you don't want to If you want to clear the points you have, you should not stop the search for your own happiness!"

His hysteria, let the emperor Xuan Wei slightly.

Emperor Mo Xuan Shen is as cold as the peach blossoms, faintly squinting at the mirror.

The red lips are gently raised, and a very cold arc is drawn.

"The deeds are clear and clear."

He whispered in a whisper, wrapped in a chilly chill.

In a word, the five maids were almost shackled on the ground.

Clearly clear?

In other words...

Did the Emperor Supreme hear them ridiculed in the night?

"Since it is clear, it should be known that it will not be happy when it is settled in the Imperial Palace!" Gu Jingyu clenched his fists, and in order to fight for his own heart, he took the courage and confronted Di Mo Xuan.


Emperor Mo Xuan’s low chuckle, but this smile, not to the bottom of my eyes, seems extremely cold: “When did Xiaoluer say that she is not happy?”

(End of this chapter)

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