Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2904: His hand, hold down the water bracelet

Chapter 2904 His hand, holding down the water bracelet

In particular, the night clearing is just a promotion to eight products, or continuous promotion.

Even if the body can withstand this load.


For the control of Xuan Li, the night is definitely not as good as him!

He did not believe it.

He is the king of the Hell House, and he will lose to a little girl who seems to be only fifteen years old!

The coldness of the evil tyrant's eyes is even worse, and he does not suppress his own strength. He clenches his fists with both hands and slams his feet.

On time, the horrible mystery of the horror, from the evil tyrants.

Throughout the space, it was caught in a violent shaking.

"Little girl, let you see, the power of the Hell House!" The evil tyrants smiled coldly, and in the tone, it was a must-see.

Then, the speed of the evil tyrant is obviously not a level before.

Moreover, the power of the shot is also amazingly terrible.

The night is clear and close to the eyebrows, and the eyes are full of impatience.

She has no extra thoughts and is wasted on the evil tyrants.

She pointed to the secret room to see the situation of A Xuan.

Yes, obviously.

The evil fighter does not intend to let her go easily.

The horrible mystery that hits the front, carrying the killing of the tyrant.

At night, the eyebrows were tightened, and the body shape changed. The footwork at the foot was also very strange.

Just a shadow.

The offensive of the evil tyrant passed by.

It was a move at the foot of the night, and unexpectedly moved to the back of the evil tyrant.

Her eyebrows were cool, and the fan of the flame in her hand slammed into a flame, slamming toward the back of the evil tyrant, aiming at the position of the heart, falling straight down!

From the time of the first promotion.

At night, you can clearly feel your ability to respond and feel, and have greatly improved.

Just use your eyes to see through the attack of the evil tyrant.

Nowadays, this power in the body makes her mysterious order constantly under the surge.

Her speed, attack power, and explosive power have all been improved.

In the face of evil tyrants, you can also do a good job.


The night's clear response is fast and unexpected.

The evil tyrant who is a **** madman is not bad.

At night, the first action was made and moved behind him.

The evil tyrant has already reacted.

In the night, the attack is about to fall.

The evil tyrant turned quickly and the backhand buckled the wrist that cleared the night.


At night, the red mans that moved his arms and swayed, suddenly turned into sharp blades, and ruthlessly pierced the hand of the evil tyrant.

The evil tyrant suffered from pain and sucked in a cold air.

However, he did not release the night's wrist because of this sting.

On the contrary, the five fingers are tightly fastened, and they pull hard to pull the night and pull them to their bodies.

"Play with your seat?"

The sinister sinister sorrowful smile, the eyes are sparkling with bloodthirsty.

He tightened his palms.

I didn't care about my palm at all, the blade that had been released by the night, and the blood of the hand was cut.

His hand contains evil and keeps tightening.

It seems as if she wants to cut her wrist directly.

The face that cleared at night was white.

The evil tycoon is the wrist with a water bracelet.

His five fingers, the place where he is kneeling, is also above the texture of the water bracelet.

The night clears only the turbulent power in the body, as if it has been suppressed, and it is blocked in the limbs, and some feel slow.

She is struggling.

The evil spirits are tighter.

The strength of the limbs is like swelling her meridians.

At night, the face was whiter and more white, and the bottom of the eyes was a bit cold.

The mysterious power of the gathering quickly swept above his right arm.

The burning heat burned and burned the palm of the evil tyrant...



(End of this chapter)

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