Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2896: Conducting a secret plan

Chapter 2896 carries out a secret plan

The minds of the night are full of heart, have been placed on how to prevent cold Yan, how to give Emperor Xu Xuan the time to solve the problem, hold the Emperor Xu Xuan.

The harassment and obstruction of the evil tyrants have caused the patience of the night to be lost.

Her eyebrows were frozen, and her eyes swept through Zou Mo and Ghost Wu.

I also looked at the brothers and friends who played against the dark palace.

Her eyebrows were slightly lowered.

The evil of the sky, with constant fighting, spread to the surrounding of the Holy See.

It won't be long.

This evil spirit will surely cover the entire Virgin.

Once covered by evil.

The entire Virgin, will fall into hell, all creatures, turned into nothing, and become a void.

Time is tight.

She has not allowed her to make any further considerations.

Nowadays, you can only avoid it as much as possible, and you will not be countered!

The night was clear and the eyebrows sank, and the fan fan in the hand was raised straight, and the wind and waves were rolled up.

The other hand is quickly pressed at the Xuan Xinyu.

Xuanqi urges.

Xuan Xinyu began to burn.

She squeezed the fan-shaped fan, and the mysteriousness was even worse.

The wind and waves are like a stormy wave, directly rushing to the evil tyrant.

The evil tyrants are full of force to clamp down the night and take them away.

His offensive is to directly face the face, close to the night to clear hands.

The night fell and the trick fell.

The evil tyrant reacted quickly.

It was also swallowed up by the oncoming violent waves.

That awkward situation is more honest than when it was just promoted.

The evil tyrant was shot and flew out, hitting the gravel of the ruins.

The ground blasted a huge deep pit.

This attack, the evil tyrant can be said to be completely complete, withstood it.

He fell in the huge pit.

Full of blood marks.

However, he was not angry, but he laughed wildly.

The dry body, crumbling, stood up from the deep pit.

The evil spirits of the whole body constantly infiltrated into his body.

He smiled madly and slyly: "Well... well... after promotion, you can improve your combat power in a short period of time... It’s incredible. I really want to dig up your mysterious jade. See what kind of quality Xuan Xinyu can achieve such a situation!"

Listening to the crazy, excited voice of the evil tyrant.

The fine eyebrows that fell at night were tightened tighter.

This kind of madman can not grasp the psychological.

I don’t know how to deal with it at night.

The stronger she is.

The more excited the evil tyrant is.

The more she is full of research psychology.

Deal with such a madman.

Unless you can really kill him.

Otherwise, he will harass her over and over again.

after all……

The madman is not afraid of death.

Just thinking about how to trap the evil tyrants while clearing the night, while secretly mobilizing the mysteriousness of the body, and moving into the mysterious heart, constantly rushing.

The laughter of the evil tyrant suddenly stopped.

The horrible face wrinkled tightly.

The night fell and noticed this.

The line of sight quickly looked in the direction of the cold.

Sure enough, Leng Yan has been separated from Zou Mo Guiwu at this time.

The three people are opposite each other and are suspended in midair.

The eyes of Leng Yan are looking at the evil tyrant.

The heart that cleared the night, stunned.

Obviously, this chilling is a secret communication with the evil tyrant.

They... What plans are there? !

Soon, cold and evil fighters gave the answer.

Just in time for this breath.

The evil tyrant, originally in the deep pit, suddenly turned into a black afterimage, going straight in the direction of cold Yan...


[emm... I thought I could get up this afternoon. After I woke up a little, I fell asleep and went to sleep at four o'clock. Then I got up and got a code... I caught a cold, I slept... It was nearly fifteen hours, terrible. 】

(End of this chapter)

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