Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2894: Can't break the evil

Chapter 2894 can't break the evil

The evil tyrant eyes a glimpse.

This girl... I noticed the purpose of cold development so quickly.

It can also accurately identify the correct orientation of the evil that was released by Leng Yan.


Since the fall of the night, it has been promoted.

Her perception has changed dramatically.

It's not just about identifying everything around you.

He can also see all his attack moves.

You must know that he is the mysterious person of Tian Xuan Jiu Pin.

Plus the sorcerer of self-cultivation.

Even the mysterious person above Tian Xuan, he played against him.

Not necessarily in his hands, taking up any cheap.

Yes, it’s fine at night.

The evil tyrant can be sure...

How to promote the night after the fall.

That is just a promotion to a grade.

That is still only... the mysterious descendants of Tian Xuan.

Yes, just a grade, but it is a skill that enhances the night and clear?


It is incredible!

Excited in the eyes of the evil spirits, burning passion.

Cut it... cut off the roots of evil...

As long as she cuts it.

Everything is over.

The evil tyrants did not stop the night from falling, and cut off the evil spirits released by the cold.

On the contrary, it is precautionary. It seems that he is worried that the night will be cleared and he will make a prejudgment to hide.

This hiding is to give way to the night.

Let the night clear and organic, and rush to the direction of the evil that spreads out.

The night was cleared and the embankment was still on the embankment.

In order to prevent the evil tyrants from blocking her to break the roots of evil, stop them, and want to ruin the Hmong plan.

However, the evil tyrant is actually at a critical moment, coming to a prejudgmental position.

This position seems to be a pre-judgment error.

Yes, the night clears always feel that something is wrong.

A person like a tyrant.

How can you make such a clear pre-judgment error?

"Small clear!" Zou Mo was aware of the closeness of the night when he was entangled.

He flew back and noticed that the night fell to the spread of evil, and his face was white.

"Small clear! Those evil can not be forced to break! Otherwise, evil will erode your body!" Zou Mo eagerly shouted.

In the footsteps of the night, I slammed the meal.

Immediately charming, quickly moved to the evil tyrant.

This is the purpose of the evil tyrant?

Deliberately a mistake in the position, led her to hook, to break the evil.

After the evil invaded her body.

Then control her by the power of evil spirits? !

"Damn!" The tyrant looked at his own purpose, but it was stopped by the white boy. At that time, his face turned red, and he slammed into the boy who had gone to the night.

If you know that, this white boy sees through his purpose.

As early as the night, the first time I want to rush to the front, when I break the evil, he should not stop!

Zou Mo walked to the night and fell to the side of the night, and grabbed one of her arms: "There is a young man and Awu, what are you doing?"

"They...they want to turn all the Miao people into nothing, and then directly turn into nothingness!" Night Qing followed the strength of Zou Mo, and retreated away from the evil that is still spreading.

The night is full of eagerness: "They are from the realm of the land, the people of Hell! They are not going to enter the sacred house, but they want to directly ruin the sacred court, once and for all!"

Zou Mo’s long and narrow Danfeng eyes flashed and slammed into the direction of the evil tyrant: “This group of people is really mean!”

"As long as I can hold A Xuan, I will be invaded by evil spirits! I am not afraid of it!" The night Qing powdered fists clenched bit by bit, and the eyes gradually cooled a few points.

(End of this chapter)

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