Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2890: Better than the strangeness of your prey!

Chapter 2890 is more exotic than your prey!

The whole body that cleared the night, the shield that was swept by the promotion, has disappeared.

The evil tyrant did not hesitate, and the evil spirits of Sensen’s offensive directly confronted each other.

Must, quick fix!

The evil tyrant's eyebrows are cold and sinful.

The night was clear and plain, and the quietness of the scene was quietly watching the direction of the evil tyrant.

She can clearly feel it.

In my own body, there is something like it, and all the internal injuries are bit by bit.

It is like reborn.

The whole body feels extremely relaxed.

the most important is……

Before playing against the evil tyrants.

The speed of the evil tyrant is faster than her.

She was barely able to detect the appearance of the evil tyrant in the first place.

Can only rely on their own prejudgment, and keen perception, guess the direction of the attack of the evil fighter.

But now...

Now after the promotion.

She was able to see through, the action of the evil tyrant at this time!

The hazelnuts that fell in the night flashed slightly.

The moment that comes from the evil spirits of the evil tyrant.

She clenched her fists and slammed back and forth, avoiding the attack of the evil tyrant in a very strange position.

The night is clear and elegant, and the movements that are not ill-fated make the evil tyrants slightly stunned.

It seems to be so shocking to the night when it is so easy to avoid its own attacks.

The evil tyrant twisted his eyebrows, did not believe in evil, and launched the next attack.

The evil spirits are moving, and the waves are more turbulent.

The speed is also a bit faster.


Just in the case of the evil tyrants, they believe that there is no loss.

The night fell and fell on the spot, but it was not half-scarred, and escaped this trick.

Then, the night fell quickly and retreated.

She pinched the five fingers, the flirtatious charm, as if burning the flame, the fan of the flame in the hand, violently waved countless wind blades.

Thunder and thunder, the electric light flashed.

The wind blade, like a sharp blade, cut through the sky.

The evil tyrant was shocked, his eyes narrowed and his hands moved, and he quickly avoided the oncoming wind blade.

"Brushing brush!"

Helpless, the wind blade has great power and a large number.

Even the speed of the evil spirits is fast.

The body was also wiped with a few wind blades, leaving a few blood marks.

The body of the evil tyrant slammed in the air and fell heavily on the ground.

He stood firm and stared at the wound he had been rubbed by the wind blade, his eyebrows gloomy.

But it is a promotion.

Can the strength of the night clearing be raised to such an extent?

Not only can he see through his tricks.

Can you give, the strongest counterattack?

This little prey, really gave him, too many surprises...

These surprises.

If it is given to the dark palace in vain.

It's too uneconomical.

The evil tyrant's cold eyebrows flashed a sinister calculation of the cold mans.

A thought is formed in my heart.

The eyes of the evil tyrants are sullen, and the bloodthirsty chills are flashing. "The night is clear, you really are a little thing that is interesting... This seat decides, no matter what dark palace, no matter what." Up..."

This crazy and crazy words.

The eyebrows that made the night clear, slightly stunned.

This is the evil tyrant who wants her to take to the Hell House?

It seems to confirm the idea of ​​falling in the night.

The crazy and greedy eyes of the evil tyrant have been staring at her for a moment: "Those people are better than the strangeness of your prey!"

At night, the tightness of the powder was tight.

Inductively promoted the body's promotion, and constantly scouring the mysterious power of the limbs.

For a long time there is no movement of the mysterious steps.

At this time, it was inexplicable to be promoted.

It’s incredible to clear yourself at night.

It is like having a mysterious power to help her in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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