Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2888: Promotion

Chapter 2888 Promotion

The only thing that can contain the evil tyrant is her phoenix.

The night clear can sense that the mysterious jade in my body is following her call, and she is ready to move.

A burning sensation spread slowly in the chest.

The change of breath made the eyes of the evil tyrants immediately look to the night.

"What artifacts are there?"

The evil tyrant's cold mouth, the eyes of death, stared at the night.

Can be stared for a long while.

But I don’t see a half-shift at night.

The evil tyrant smashed his eyebrows, and the evil spirits that lingered around him seemed to be urging him, and kept rushing.

"No matter what, this seat will not let you, there is a chance to make it out!"

The evil tyrant is immediately, and there is no thought of teasing the night.

It’s too weird to clear the state of the night.

That fearless attitude.

It really made him have an ominous premonition.

The evil tyrant flew, carrying the evil palms, and directly photographed the heavenly cover of the night.

At night, take a deep breath and mobilize the mystery of the body to quickly display the footwork.

Just, she just took a step.

The evil tyrant seems to have already predicted what she will go next.

Not yet standing still.

At night, I felt a sinister cold man, like a sharp blade, coming straight.

She is fast again.

At this time, it is just a slap in the face of a fatal blow.

The rest of the palm of the hand, shocked her inside the chest, as if the internal organs were surging.

At night, the throat was clear and sweet, and a spout of blood was poured out.

"It's over." The evil tyrant said coldly.

Looking at the night's pale face, he pulled his lips coldly and gathered again evil.

At night, the eyelids trembled and trembled. Pressing on the hand of my heart, I tried harder and harder.

Just the moment that the evil tyrant once again attacked.

Just in the mysterious jade, it is just about the moment, the moment that will drive the function of the guardian.

Suddenly, a warm current rushed through the chest that cleared the night.

It’s easy, and it’s pressing the restless Xuan Xinyu.

This change, this warmth, makes the night clear.

Haven't come back yet.

Even if I feel a full of burning sensation, like a burning fire, it hits her chest.


In the clearing of the night, a painful embarrassment was made.

The drip of sweat dripped out before the forehead.

The body, like suddenly, loses all its strength and becomes as light as feathers.

At this time, it is attacking the evil tyrant of the night.

This palm, did not have time to fall.

It was cleared by the night, and the light that came out suddenly came out and flew out directly.

After the evil tyrant stepped back a few steps, he looked incredulously at the palm he had not yet pulled out, and looked at the girl in front.

"This... is this...promoted?!"

The evil tyrant's eyes widened, and the red birthmark on the face expanded with his movements.

The girl in front of her eyes was wrapped in a storm.

The aura around the world, bit by bit with the storm, slowly infiltrated into the girl's body.

That storm.

It's like a sturdy shield.

Even he couldn’t get close, interrupting the promotion of the night.

I can only watch the storm of the girl’s body, and it’s getting more and more rushing...

The speed of lightning is constantly rushing toward the body that clears the night.

At night, I only felt my head, as if there was any roaring sound.

Xuan Xinyu is also a hot one that makes her feel like she is in the sea of ​​fire.


Like something, slamming in the heart, knocking on it.

The night cleared the eyes and opened the eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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