Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2877: That seat is coming to you.

Chapter 2877, the seat, is coming to you.

The madman of Hell House... so strong!

Obviously, it is so casual to wave the sleeves.

Can bring such a powerful mysterious power!

The night was cleared and the palm sacred law was taken down and suffered internal injuries.

Followed by the counterattack by the evil tyrant.

When not even able to hold.

The petite body was shaken back by the power of this resurgence.

Until the fly back a dozen meters away.

It’s only a night’s fall to stabilize your body.

The forehead was broken and posted on her face.

His face was pale, his lips were tight, and three thousand blue silks were messy.

Obviously, there is a bit of awkwardness.

At night, he sighed heavily and gasped for a few mouthfuls. He immediately looked at the sight of the Mirror, which was loosened by the evil tyrant and fell to the ground.

At this time, Gu Jingyu was swaying with one hand and breathing with a big mouth.

He has always been warm and elegant, and he is also full of wolverines.

It seems to have noticed the clearing of the night.

Gu Jingyu gasped and raised his head and looked at the night.

At the time of the match with the night.

His pale and weak face showed a shallow, sly smile.

That smile, the heart that clears the night, is actually a sour feeling.

Her five fingers slowly tightened up.

She knows that Gu Jingyu likes her.

Also from the beginning, he explicitly rejected Gu Jingyu.

Obviously, there has been no particularly deep intersection before.

But I didn’t expect...

Gu Jingyu can actually care for her, regardless of her own life.

Even at this time.

To give her peace of mind.

I also want to smile and say that I am fine.

This man...

It is really a gentle person to the extreme.

Perhaps the confrontation between the two is too obvious.

The evil tyrant is countering the trick, and seeing that the night is clear and not seriously injured, the eyes are full of fun.

Also followed the clear eyes of the night, looked at Gu Jingyu.

His cold and sly dawn flashed.

The implied interest is also growing stronger.

In the next moment, he raised his hand again.

A sin of evil, from his palm.

I saw the evil spirits of the group and quickly entangled the body of Gu Jingyu.


Gu Jingyu was still not breathing, and he was bound by a force.

With the hand raised by the evil tyrant.

Gu Jingyu’s body was also attacked by the evil spirits.


The night cleared the teeth and turned to the evil tyrant: "I have to deal with a lower bound, but also need to use the insignificant people to threaten me?! This is the strength of the Hell House?!"

The sneer of the evil tyrant, the eyes are full of jokes and crazy smiles.

He rubbed his head, pouted, and smiled coldly.

Adding that face brings strangeness and horror.

The whole person is like a madman.

"Is this your little lover? It looks like you are far worse than you..." The sinister's gaze, dismissively swept through Gu Jingyu. "Little girl, your vision is really bad."

"What is this with you?" There is no thought in the night, and the evil tyrant explains his relationship with Gu Jingyu.

Looking at Gu Jingyu's more painful appearance.

The eyes that cleared the night were bursting out of fire: "Fat Hege! Since you are helping the dark lord to deal with me! Then come straight to me! Don't think, I really fear that you come from People in the land!"

Looking at the night's angry look, the evil squad smiled more and more crazy.

While laughing, the body broke out with a strong horror.

The horrible disgusting eyebrows ooze a strong chill.

"That seat... is coming to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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