Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2875: It is just a running dog in the dark palace!

Chapter 2875 is nothing more than a running dog in the dark palace!

"The people in the land..."

Just spit out four words, the night has cleared the endless pressure, filled with her lips and tongue.

She took a sigh of relief and took a deep breath and continued: "When you come to Nirvana, are you afraid of balancing the history officer to arrest you?"

The man’s eyebrows picked and picked.

The scar on his face, and the traces of the red, also squirmed.

"Since I can still see the identity of this seat." His tone is obviously delighted.

At night, the slender five fingers are tightened, and the self-satisfaction is fixed. He will set his sight on him: "The people in Hell's House, who are bullying the people in the lower world, are not afraid of insulting the prestige of the Hell House?!"

The man’s eyes lit up, as if in the red blood group, a ray of light was oozing out: “Do you know this seat? You know this little girl, it’s quite a lot!”

His sly smile laughed a few times: "Look at the part of your heart that is so worthy of your seat, this seat allows you to say the name of your master, after you are handed over to the Dark Palace." Let your master take revenge for you."

In this case, the words that are said to be "arrogant" can be interpreted.

The man obviously did not put the night in his eyes.

Instead, he put his mind directly on the "master" behind the night.

In the eyes of those from the Hell House, a little girl from the lower bound would be so powerful.

You can also know the boundaries, **** and other news.

It must be behind him, there is something high.

This little girl is the person who is set by the dark palace.

Then he will use the "master" of Xiaotoutou as the next prey.

"Oh!" The night cleared and snorted, looking at the man's gaze, full of contempt, "I am still a local prison, full of talent, over the three realms, I did not expect, but it is A running dog in the dark palace!"

She said, and pretending to be disdainful.

On the face of the night, although it is a calm and disdainful appearance.

The fingers that can pinch the flame-shooting fan have already sold out her inner real thoughts.

Facing this person in front of you...

The breath of the whole body is really terrible.

Especially, after her words are exported...

The emotion of this person, and the chilly and deboned eyes, became more and more infiltrating.

She is betting.

Bet on this group of crazy madmen who are crazy about tricks.

This group of madmen, even a group of people are not human, ghosts are not crazy.

But... absolutely have their own self-respect.

Even more, their self-esteem is stronger than ordinary people!

This group of madmen are not subject to any restrictions.

Even people in the realm have a sorrowful presence.

Even the balance historian knows this group of lunatics, the existence of this organization, and still sit back and ignore it.

It can be seen that the **** of the Hell House, who are mad and even above the land, do not want to provoke.

This kind of madman, often speaking, is the most free and accustomed person.

Especially tolerant of others, humiliating one-half.

Not to mention... compare him to the running dog of others.

This is a great shame for the madman.

The look of that person proves that the night is clear and the bet is right.

The man’s eyes, like the **** of death, locked the night.

The bottom of the eye swayed the coldness of Sen cold and cold.

"If the Hell House owes the secret of the Dark Palace, how can my evil fighters come to the lower bounds!"

The man screamed in anger, and the madness of the eyes was surging.

He raised his hand slyly.

The hand under the sleeves is extremely slender, like a dead branch.

The most terrible thing is...

Among the arms, there are black evils visible to the naked eye, like snakes in a row, constantly swimming...

(End of this chapter)

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