Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2873: Interesting prey

Chapter 2873 Funny Prey

The Elders of Miao and the elders of Miao Er had already decided, and the Elders of Miao were deliberately trying to deceive them.

Can look at the appearance of Miao four elders.

It doesn't look like a lie.

Especially when I heard that Miao four elders let them join the dark palace, it was to let them live.

The look on his face eased a little.

After meeting the elders of Miao and Si, who had been with them for decades, they immediately saw their thoughts from the expression of their two people.

The Elders of Miao four also eased their tone and suppressed their voices, so they made a mysterious approach to them: "You also understand that the purpose of the dark palace today is not directed at the Miao. If you want to be in the dark palace, If you occupy a certain position...we will have to help the dark palace and achieve their purpose."

The Elder Miao Da immediately looked away from the distance, and surrounded the red mans, as if the girl was covered in fire.

The girl's eyebrows are cold and the energy released is soaring and shocking.

He couldn’t help but sigh: "We, if we can settle the night, we will not need to use the dark house..."

"Who said that the purpose of the dark palace is to clear the night!" Miao four elders looked at the Miao elders with impatience. "You didn't find out, the night brothers, and the two scary people." The war pets have disappeared?"

The elders of Miao Da and the elders of Miao Er flashed and immediately looked around.

Sure enough, those figures were not found.

"Yes, but we don't know, the purpose of the dark palace, and what those people are going to do... How can we help the dark palace?" asked Miao Er's elders to tighten the white eyebrows.

"We followed the night to clear the brothers, see what they are going to do, and then stop them!"

Miao four elders narrowed their eyes, and the thief licked his mouth.

He raised his hand and pointed to the words and other people before he left. "As long as they are stopped, we will know what the purpose of the dark palace is! By then, as long as there is a chance, we will help the dark palace." Finished the task... When you said it... What do we want, the dark palace will not give us?"

"This..." I thought that I was pitted by the Miao four elders. The Elder Miao had heard his proposal and he was still hesitant.

The elders of Miao Si simply received a good face and sneered, and turned away and left: "Since you refuse, then I will follow me. When the time comes, don't say that the brothers have not reminded you."

After that, the head did not return, followed the direction of the words and others to leave, followed up.

The elders of Miao Da and the elders of Miao Er looked at each other.

Five fingers, clenched and loose, loose and grip.

After repeating this for a long while, I just bite my teeth and follow up.

Today, they have no other choice.


At this time, the night is falling against the powerful force, and it has already turned pale and suspended in the air, and it is a bit crumbling.

If not before, because of the fear of Emperor Xu Xuan, the palm of the fox method.

It’s not so embarrassing to fall in the night.

“It’s an interesting prey...”

In the sky, a cold voice was heard.

It is like coming in all directions.

Just listening to the voice.

Everyone felt the scalp numb and the back was cold.

Even when it was clear at night, when I heard this sound, I couldn’t help but tighten my eyebrows.

Her delicate body is gradually tightening.

that person……

Want to appear...?

(End of this chapter)

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