Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2855: Can escape, or try to escape

Chapter 2855 can escape, or try to escape

The night is clear and vigilant, looking around and releasing his own perception.

In my mind, the voice of the old man is very urgent: "The strong evil, although it is only a moment, but ... the old man can be sure, it is from the land, the **** of the hell!"

From the science of the old man, the night is clear.

The Hell House is an evil palace in the upper three realms.

The Hell House, as its name suggests, is a place called the Hell of the World.

The people inside are basically not human.

They have cultivated the sorcerer and become a monster that is not human, ghost or ghost.

It is even more embarrassing than the small forces outside the upper three circles of the dark forces.

After all, in the Hell House, there are a group of madmen who study various sorcerers.

A group of madmen who don’t want to die.

It can be said that people in the realm, once mentioned in the Hell House, are sorrowful.

No one dares to provoke the Hell House.

No one is willing to go to the Hell House.

Who dares to provoke a lifeless person?

After listening to these popular sciences at night, the look on his face was dignified: "Hell House? It is a dark palace, and asked the madman of Hell's House to be a helper?"

"What is the power behind the dark secluded palace? We don't know it yet. It is a helper, or a group with the Hell House. These are all possible." The tone of the old man is extremely heavy.

"Shantou, if ... the people of Hell's House have shot, can escape, or try to escape..." The old man finally added a sentence.

Can let the old man say the word "escape".

It can be seen that the so-called Hell House is really powerful.

The night fell around and felt for a long time.

I have never felt the slightest, especially the same.

Just at this time.

The movement of the night clear body, strong sense of power, let her quickly avoid.

A strong palm of the hand, from where she was standing, blasted open.

The horrible waves are raging.

The Miao people who looked around, the horrified sounds of screams were released.

How powerful is this and how deep is the mysterious order to create such a sensation?

The second house of the dark palace...

The strength is so powerful!

The fear of the Miao people on the dark palace was deepened again.

Relative to the shock and fear of the Miao people.

The expression of the night clearing is calm to the extreme.

She was cold and squinted at the place where her eyes were standing, creating the waves.

She picked up her charm and looked at it in the direction of mystery.

Then see the Fox Holy Law with open arms and suspend the air.

As soon as the gauze floats and the skyrocketing, it continues to continue.

"Is finally willing to take it out myself?"

The fox sacred method is very cold, and the delicate and seductive face looks stunned and stunned: "The night is clear! It is your honor to die in the hands of the Lord!"

The voice just fell.

The fox sacred flying body, the hands are soft and boneless, and countless roaring mysterious forces.

That mysterious, scratching the air, extremely embarrassing.

When it comes straight.

The heart that cleared the night was suddenly hot.

She groaned, staring at the mysterious jade in the chest of Fox.

A yellow-quality Xuan Xinyu is releasing an extremely bright golden awn.

Huang Pinxuan Xinyu.

The night cleared quickly and back a few steps, sneer and screamed.

Unexpectedly, after the fox sacred method took over the light body of the night, it was accompanied by the mysterious jade of the night.

It’s just the quality of this heart...

Fox Shengfa thought that he was once the savage, the fox law of the dark forces?

(End of this chapter)

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