Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2850: Going to the night, I don’t want to blame the man.

Chapter 2850 goes to the night, and I don’t want to blame the man.

"Catch your man?" Fox's Law was enchanted by Mei's words.

Mei clenched her fists and gnashed her teeth in the direction of the night: "Yes! So I hate her, I want to disfigate her, throw it in front of the man, let the man, abandon her!"

The fox law has set off a seductive beauty, and his eyes are deeply gazing at Mei’s young face for a long time.

Suddenly, the low smile laughed: "The Lord of the House is very curious. What kind of man is it that can make you go to the night and fall, and don't want to blame the man."

"I... Why should I blame the man?" Mei's glimmer of light flashed, and asked inexplicably.

"If the man really loves you, how can he be taken away by other women?" Fox Shengfa picked up his long hair and smiled like a fox. "It’s like a wolf's law, because he loves the Lord, so he loves the Lord. No matter what woman appears, he can't take him away from the hands of the Lord!"

The voice of the Fox Law, although it sounds, is very calm.

It's like an ordinary chat.

It can be listened to, but it can be heard, and it has a strong threat.

Moreover, if the eyes are stunned, they will turn to Yan Zhenfei.

The voice outside the voice is very obvious.

However, Yan Zhenfei apparently did not realize this.

I also nodded in a very agreeable face: "Yes! If it is true love, it will never be taken away by other women! The wolf holy law on the heart of the second house, we all look very real! Absolutely no one, from the hands of the second house Take away the wolf law!"

Yan Zhenfei said and suddenly felt something wrong.

She carefully looked at the fox sacred law.

However, it was cold to the fox of the fox, as if it could condense into a frosty face at any time.

Her heart slammed a bit.

Is it... what did she say wrong?

She is following the words of the second house owner!

Mei was on the side, her eyes narrowed and she smiled at the corner of her mouth, and her heart whispered: "Oh, idiot!"

Although, on the bright side, the second house of the Lord for the wolf law, can not be called love.

However, the Wolf Law has loved the second house for so many years, and has kept the second house for so many years, and has done so many things in order to resurrect the second house.

Even the second house does not like the wolf law.

But for the wolf holy law, the second housekeeper is recognized, he is her.

The true location of Yan Zhenfei, the secret ambassador of the Dark Palace, is the most clear in her heart.

That is, Yan Zhenfei seduce the wolf holy law, only in exchange for it!

For the second house.

Yan Zhenfei is the warm bed of her man.

In the face of Yan Zhenfei, the second house of the Lord naturally has no good face to see.

Partial life, Yan Zhenfei does not think that this is a big problem.

What's more, men's three wives and four wives are common.

She was young and so bad with the wolf's holy law.

If you don't go to the position of the wife of the second house, you will be worthy of the second house.

Naturally, I don't think about other things.

Fox Shengfa realized that his own words did not make Zhenhua Philip felt, but instead looked like a fearless one.

I only think that Yan Zhenfei is showing off her relationship with her.

Immediately, the Fox Law also coldened his face: "Since the messengers feel that the Lord’s words are correct, then now, the Lord of the Lord orders you to bring these guards together with the Lord’s Lord to catch the night and bring back to the dark. You can accept the palace?"

Yan Zhenfei’s face was white.

Almost soft fell to the ground.

How could she not understand what she was, and annoyed the Fox Law.


[First put a chapter, I wish the children happy New Year, Happy New Year~]

In the new year, the biggest goal of Moye Life: code word code words, have more and more, support the baby of the ink.

I will work harder to keep writing down.

Apply a friend: a word is impossible, it is impossible to have no code in this life.

Therefore, the road ahead, please advise.

(End of this chapter)

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