Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2843: Gossip

Chapter 2843 rumors and proverbs

Under the glare of the sky, under the eyes of the Miao people and the dark court disciples.

At night, a group of people fell and walked slowly.

The condescending traits of Mei's blame are overlooking the night, as if they are standing in a high position, and relying on mountains, there is an unbridled triumph.

"The night is clear, you are quite kind!"

Mei pointed sharply with a voice, and in the tone, it was full of cockroaches: "Want to come, you know, the Miao people are because of you, will they be innocent, so why come out to die?"

"What else can she do besides sending her death?" Yan Zhenfei is also a sinister, and the veil can't cover the suffocation on her face. "Is it difficult, she still wants to rely on the Miao, to avoid our sins? ”

Mei's mouth is smirking, and the delicate smile is not overwhelming: "The Miao people are suffering from such innocent disasters because of her own relationship, and they are also facing the danger of being swallowed up by our dark palace, and how they might help her."

The voices of both of them are deliberately spread out with mysteriousness.

Almost everyone at the entrance to the Miao can hear it clearly.

Immediately, the words of these two people have caused resentment in the hearts of countless Miao people.

Facing the siege of thousands of people in the dark palace.

Plus one, it looks extremely fierce Warcraft.

These Hmong people also witnessed the power of the Dark Palace guards yesterday.

If they are rebellious.

It is simply to hit the stone with an egg.

They are all worried about being afraid.

I am afraid that the dark palace will be swallowed up by the Miao people, and they have no resistance.

Now, in the case of such fears.

The people in the dark palace named, and their Miao nationality, is a lie gun, completely because of the night clearing, will be besieged by the dark palace.

In my heart, there is a lot of hatred on the night.

Immediately, under the suppression of the dark priest disciples, the fart did not dare to put a Hmong people.

At this time one by one, shouting, let the night clear out of the Miao.

For a time, the entire Miao nationality entrance was stunned.

Mei and his smug look at each other and smile.

I feel that I can incite so many people in a few words, and I will complain about the night.

They feel very proud.

Gossip is always the sharpest weapon.

Once a person is eroded by rumors, and more and more fierce...

It is impossible to defeat a person completely.

They are to use the Miao people to let the night clear the pressure of rumors.


Their abacus seems to be wrong.

Faced with the accusations and roars of thousands of people, there is no change in the look of the night.

Even the group behind her was calm, and I couldn’t look down on the feeling of being half-wave.

The rebukes of the Miao people are like a punch on cotton, soft.

Let them breathe a sigh of relief in their chests.

The group did not care very much. They were completely untouched by the Miao people, and they looked like a lot of accusations. They also made Mei and Yan Zhenfei’s look look a little bit stiff.

"Useless waste!"

A cold drink came from behind the two.

The two men looked white and immediately squatted, respectfully nodding: "The second house."

Behind the two men, a figure of a squatting figure walked slowly.

The man, covered with black crepe, only showed a pair of ups, like a fox-like beauty.

The second house did not look at the two people, but the eyes looked like a torch, and the straight hook shot in the direction of the night clearing, and the voice shook: "The night falls, if you don't smash your hand, the Lord will directly order, destroy Miao!"

(End of this chapter)

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