Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2831: I am planning to leave the Hmong

Chapter 2831 is going to leave the Hmong

There was no sound at the end of the "Bronze Mirror".

The old man seems to be encouraged and continues to be excited: "Miao Yiyi does not know the rules of the Miao nationality, and is excusable.

But... the former saint could not understand, the importance of the Miao people's hearts to a saint.

Generally speaking, after the new Virgen is succeeded, it should be accompanied by several elders to let the Miao people know the habit of the present saint.

However, since Miao Yiyi became a saint, she disappeared directly with the former saint...

If it is not for what reason, the former saint will never let Miao Yiyi risk the offense of the entire Miao people, and disappear with Miao Yiyi..."

"Bronze Mirror" this time, finally reacted: "What...what...the original...the cause."

"Before I was not on the Emperor's body... So, I guess..." The old man sneered.

The "Bronze Mirror" black gas suddenly flickered and flickered.

Weird, scalp and numb.


Because of the relationship between Miao Yiyi and the night, the people of Yan and other people were also treated as guests by the Miao people.

The courtyard where you live is also a place where the Miao people have a very good location and beautiful scenery.


Yan Yan and Qiao Jinzheng sat in the stone bench of the yard, chatting about something, and when they saw the night, they came in and the words immediately greeted them.

The gaze of the words, after the night of the night fell, glanced: "Is the emperor?"

"He is not there." The night whispered and responded, walking toward the courtyard. "Other people, are you there?"

The words saw the low mood of the night, and worried about keeping up with her footsteps: "Everyone is resting in the room, is there something happening? The locusts in the emperor's body..."

"I am going to leave the Miao after tonight." The night fell and stopped, and interrupted the words.

She turned and twitched her lips slightly: "If the people in the dark palace are directed at me, they will remain in the Miao, and the Miao will be implicated."

"On the dark side of the palace, do you want to do things?" Yan said that this morning, he did not arrive at the night of the king of the king, and his brow suddenly wrinkled. "This morning... you are being dark People, blocked?"

At night, I nodded and did not deny: "Although I don't like the people of the Miao nationality, but now, the saints and patriarchs are all dependent on one person. We also need to rely on Yi, to suppress the body for Azhan. The poisonous, Miao... must not be destroyed."

Glass cats and others, after hearing the sound of the night, have rushed over.

The first time the glass cat plunged into the arms of the night, "Sister!"

Followed by, is the laughing and full of Zou Mo.

The night was clear and charming, and I noticed that Zou Mo and the glass cat came out from the same room...

Will this development be too fast?

She glared at the furry little head of the glass cat, picked her eyebrows and squinted at Zou Mo.

From the eyes of the glass cat, Zou Mo saw the meaning of the expression of the night, and it was the thin lips of the scorpion, and the eyes of Dan Fengfeng rose.

It seems to be responding to the night.

Expressing his pair of glass cats is serious.

However, the glass cat who was in the arms of the night was full of excitement when she saw her sister. She did not notice that the dark tide between the night and the eyes of Zou Mo.

The glass cat's small head is raised, and the tender little face is full of excitement: "Is the sister going to leave the Miao nationality? The cat must be with her sister!"

"Well, it’s all together." The night cleared everyone who came out of the room. "The Miao people’s affairs have been solved. We should also go back to the West, and Azhan is still waiting for us."


[Seven days in a row, continuous pass, successfully killed myself, went to the hospital to hang two bottles of water in the afternoon, and now it is still uncomfortable... blood lessons tell the baby, stay up all night, you need to be cautious! The rhythm of death in minutes! 】

(End of this chapter)

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