Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2817: Do not underestimate the deity

Chapter 2817 is not allowed to underestimate the deity


In the night of Emperor Mo Xuanhuai’s fall, he suddenly raised his head.

Her gaze, sweeping around in a circle, determined this time, not only in his eyes, only Emperor Xu Xuan, but ignored the other: "Hallow and secluded?"

The night clear can clearly feel when she asks this sentence.

The arm that was lying across the waist tightened a bit.

She slowly moved her eyes to the face of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The man clenched his lips and flashed a trace of unnatural look on his face.

There is also a red light flashing in the sputum.

The night fell and I was charming. "The two people... ran away?"

Seeing the look of Emperor Mo Xuan is obviously embarrassing.

The night was shocked: "The two people can actually escape from your hands?!"

Night clear said that she absolutely does not believe that chills and secluded women can have such strength!

I was stimulated by two shocked words in the night.

The red light in the emperor's mysterious peach blossoms became extremely fierce.

His arms tightened and the girl was directly in her arms.

A pair of ink-like scorpions, like a glamorous mandala, exudes a sinister evil charm.

Rao is clear at night.

They are all fascinated by his evil spirits.

"Do not underestimate the deity!"

The man is overbearing with a low-pitched voice, with a faint threat.

He bowed his head and his nose touched her nose.

Deep into the sea, locked her.

The breath is too close, the night is clear and I feel hot, I want to retreat a few steps.

The man's strong arm is tightly wrapped around her delicate body.

Her eyes are stunned: "This time I didn't catch them, and next time, I didn't look down on you..."

"Do you think that the deity deliberately let them run?"

"I don't mean this." The night did not understand, why did Emperor Xu Xuan care so much about this matter, "I know that you are not intentional..."

"That is to think that the deity is not the two people, only to run by the two, right?" Di Mo Xuan coldly snorted.

Clear at night: "..."

God, this man is just in the middle of a centrifuge, forgetting her.

How do you feel that his IQ is also swallowed by centrifugation?

The chill and the secluded woman ran and ran away.

She did not say anything.

Just feeling shocked and surprised.

How do you feel that the reaction of Di Mo Xuan is bigger than her?

Suddenly, the night cleared the mind and turned, and the brilliance flashed.

She smirked and looked up, staring at the face of Emperor Xu Xuanjunmei.

This man...

It won't be...

Excuse me, feel guilty?

Because she promised her, she would catch the chill and the secluded.

But in the end, it was not done.

Also let the chill and the secluded ran.

This is not only in front of her, it is detrimental to the majesty of his man, but also detrimental to his imperial demeanor.

Men, are not willing to let their women, see their own wolf.

Although, Di Mo Xuan is not embarrassed.

But, standing in his position.

Let the two ants that could have been pinched to death run away.

Still in front of my own woman.

How much will be embarrassing.

and so……

Emperor Mo Xuan will be inexplicable, weird?

"Look what?" It was stared for a while by the dazzling charm of the night, and Emperor Mo Xuanfeng scorned, raised his hand and turned her face to one side.

At night, the little head was arched and arched, and he refused to look away. He smiled and bent: "Look at you."

Emperor Xu Xuan was boasted, did not feel happy, but tightened his brow.

I want to speak.

The girl’s hand has been ringing his neck...


[For the (love Zouren Mrs. Pu) a reward 10,000 coins make up the book more ~]

PS: All the owed make-ups have been filled, now that the ink is not in debt, wow~ the rest of the updates, all of today's updates are irritating~ what?

(End of this chapter)

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