Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2805: Who is the sage, where is it from?

Chapter 2805 Who is the sage, where is it from?

The night cleared and did not let the yin wait too long.

Just meditating for a moment.

Suddenly, I heard something like it. I looked up slightly and stared at the yin like a smile. I watched it for a long time.

Straight staring at the pubic hair.

It was only after the fall of the night that the lips were slowly smeared, revealing a meaningful smile.

Her head, which is not easy to detect, seems to be something to do with it.

Between the charming, flowing and deep meaning.

"I will ask you the last question again." The night cleared the smile.

This sentence makes the nerves of the yin tight and release.

He glanced at the light, and his face was ecstatic.

Excited by him, he did not find that the night was clear and the glimmer of light.

The night clear eyes quietly and faintly looking at the yin, and then a word of mouth: "What is the person in your mouth, what is it from? What is the place from the upper three worlds?"

This issue is exported.

The glory of the face is full of joy, and it is time to condense.

He shrank his body and shuddered and said: "The sage... the sage of him... his identity, even if you tell you, you absolutely can't find him..."

Listening out.

Yu Yin is full of fear for the sage.

"The emperor's mother, you are in the lower bound, although the strength is boundless, you can turn your hand over for the cloud to cover the rain, but ... he is really a man you can't afford... even if there is an emperor, you are by your side, you I can't find him either...because you have no way to reach the realm of the sage..."

Every time a word is spoken, the body will tremble.

The fear of the Sayādaw has gone deep into the bone marrow.

This attitude of gloom.

It also makes the night clear and confirmed...

Between the dark palace and the sage, it is a simple cooperative relationship.

When it comes to everything in the dark palace, the gloom is sold out simply and neatly.

But, mention the Sayādaw.

The yin is afraid of becoming like this.

The night fell in my mind and organized an important part of the yin words.

It seems that this sage is not only a person in the upper three worlds.

Still in a place with a very high position.

The upper three boundaries are divided into boundaries, heavens and gods.

Can let Yu Yin bite and say that she can never find the Supreme, can not reach that realm...

Could it be that the Sayādaw is from the people of... the gods?

No, no...

Spirit world……

How can people in the realm of the world move their minds to the inferior boundary of Nirvana?

You know, people in the realm of the gods can almost be called the masters of all things in the world.

Almost a legend, it is a myth.

Is there anyone in the realm of God?

It’s still a puzzle.

Don't say anything, people in the realm of the world look at her phoenix, and specially designed it.

She is in front of the people who put Shenhuang Xuan Xinyu in the realm of the gods.

Maybe, the gods will not even look at it.

The night cleared directly rejected this idea.

Then, look at the sorrow seriously: "I can find him, or can he reach his realm, this is not the point, the important thing is... I want to know who he is."

The night fell and leaned down, and the corner of his mouth provoked a smudge of laughter: "You are feeling that you have kept this secret for the sage, you can return to the five secluded, and you can return to your mouth. Is that benevolent's side?"

The sullen face was white.

No... I can't go back.

From the solitude to live, drew his last spiritual power to begin.

From the time he made the choice.

He has not returned.

(End of this chapter)

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