Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2802: Is this shy?

Chapter 2802, Emperor Supreme, is this shy?

"Where the emperor said, what I care most about, of course, is you, my mind, naturally placed on you."

She is meandering and her eyes are full of flaws.

In this case, the tone, how to listen, feels very uncomfortable.

This kind of unwilling attitude.

It also made the unreasonable feeling of turmoil in the heart of Emperor Moxuan more and more instigated.

He tightened his eyebrows and his fingers tightened.

But the control of the force is very good, and there is no painful night.

Just fixed her sight and confronted him.

"So, your heart is really thinking about other men..."

He spoke, his voice was cool, with a chilly chill.

This is a precursor to his anger.

It seems that the night is clear and the chill of the air is normal.

The smile at the corner of the mouth is also deepened.

With the words of Emperor Xu Xuan, I rarely nodded seriously: "I am sure that the Emperor is absolutely right, I am really thinking about another...man."

Her words just fell.

There was a violent hurricane in the surrounding area.

The leaves of the dead yellow leaves are dancing with the wind.

The majestic momentum of the majestic enveloped the whole piece of desolate land.


The yin of the side is shocked by this power, and the spirit seems to be broken, as if it will explode in the next moment.

His help for help is clear to the night.

The heart is extremely resentful.

In the face of the overbearing and possessive desire of the Emperor.

Shouldn't she be all kinds of smooth hairs to heal the anger of the Emperor?

Why...she is instead...still so honest, tell the truth?

Still so provocative?

Really not afraid of the emperor's adult anger, kill her to vent their anger?

However, in the face of his night of helplessness, he did not even look at him.

On the contrary, the smile on the face is getting stronger.

Between the eyebrows, it is a playful and awkward.

She raised a hand and hooked the neck of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The gesture is very awkward: "How? Is this jealous for the Emperor?"

Her voice, but also a bit of a pinch.

When you hear it, you feel awkward.

The twilight of Emperor Mo Xuan is also a flash of red mans, which is fleeting.

His eyebrows are tighter, and it seems to be extremely unpleasant for the question of the night.

"The appearance of the emperor is jealous, it is really cute, I think... I like you more." The night of the singularity of the bend is full of jokes.

However, there is also a tender feeling that cannot be concealed.

She picked up her toes and made a slight touch to the emperor.

The man's face is so close, she zooms in between her husband.

She enchanted her lips and flirtatized, flowing with the meaning of sorrow: "If the Emperor respects himself to be jealous, I will think of the one I think... Who is the man, tell you, how?"


The next moment.

Di Mo Xuan has opened her hand rudely.

"Jealous? The deity will be jealous?" Di Mo Xuan sneered, the look on the face, like frost, "Woman, you are too self-righteous."

Men are not very strong.

The nightfall was only pushed back by a push.

She is not angry, but lazy to twist the hand that she has been pushed, squinting her head and raising her eyebrows and laughing: "Is it shy?"

Emperor Xu Xuan Emei, already too lazy to answer the night clear.

Or, more accurately, it is already unknown, how to answer.

For the night clear.

He can't keep his heart and can't get down.

And this woman is also taking advantage of his special to her.

There is no fear at all.

(End of this chapter)

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