Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2799: Have the deity, why do you have to worry about it?

Chapter 2799 has the deity, why do you have to worry about it?

The sage... What is the purpose?

Why are you making so many dead bodies?

Coupled with the forces of darkness, it is also blended with...

Could it be that……

Dark Palace This is the intention to use the dead corpse to encroach on Nirvana? !

At night, I was tightening my eyebrows and thinking about it.

Suddenly, a warm big palm held her hand.

The slender fingers dexterously separate her tight, whitish hands.

The generous palm smoothed her little hand.

Immediately, the arm that is horizontally across the waist, a little harder.

The night fell and the body fell backwards.

Fall into the generous chest.

A warm kiss fell on her eyebrows.

Gentle, with a graceful sandalwood.

The heart that cleared the night was settled in an instant.

"No matter what the dark palace wants to do, there is a deity, why do you have to worry about it."

The mellow voice of a man whispers in his ear.

His voice is very light and light.

Listen, it’s like abandoning the night and goingssip.

But the night was clear and heard, and the man’s words were worried about her.

Somewhere in my heart, there is warmth and it has turned away.

She has a brow and a smile.

Lifting up, deeply deep on the goddess of God, the indifferent and cool peach blossoms, the eyes flashed with a smile: "Well, I believe in you."

This man, under the direction of the centrifuge, gave him instructions.

In the case of forgetting her person.

Still concerned about her.

Not willing to her, hurting herself.

The night fell to his head and leaned into his shoulder, laughing low.

Emperor Mo Xuan coveted, looking at the cleverness in his arms, the face is full of elegant smiles, the mouth is not conscious, provoked a very shallow arc.

This smile fell in the eyes of the gloom.

This makes Yu Yin more convinced that his choice is not wrong.

The extent to which the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty respected the night.

The Emperor of the Emperor will definitely help him recover from the night! Let him change back to the real human!

"The emperor's mother, even if the Sayādaw really finds a substitute for me, the person who made the embarrassment, at least five months later... In the five months, I will help you, definitely create more, 傀儡!"

The yin smiles extremely charmingly, and the smiling hands overlap with the dry hands: "As long as the emperor's mother and mother restore the person for me, I can start work immediately! I will create a darker than before I can find someone who can replace me in the dark palace. The palace is more embarrassing, at that time... the dark palace can not use this kind of shackles, as a killer!"

The gloom is full of excitement.

I think that I am capable of this corpse.

It is the key to leaving him behind at night.

Therefore, it was not discovered after he made this opinion.

The night was buried in the eyes of Emperor Mo Xuanhuai, and the chill of the hustle and bustle.

But very soon.

That chill was condensed by the night.

When the night falls and then rises again, the face of the city is floating, and it is a calm smile: "This is a good idea. There is a dead body in the dark palace. If there is something in our palace, the dark palace will be It doesn't take any advantage."

As she spoke, she looked at the gloom with her approval: "But... if you want to deal with the dark palace, then this kind of dead corpse, in addition to cutting off the source of their control, what else? Can they solve them?"

This problem makes the smile of the yin condense.

He lowered his head and seemed unable to answer this question.

The night cleared down slightly and charmingly, and chuckled: "You and I are now bearing the same boat. If there is a solution, why bother?"

(End of this chapter)

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