Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2785: If you are curious, go in and have a look.

Chapter 2785 If you are curious, go in and see for yourself.

The night fell back and hugged her: "I'm fine, Miao Rongrong is so capable, can't take me."

Said, the night fell and pulled away from the distance between the two, one hand gently licked the head of Miao Yiyi: "How, but still believe in my ability?"

"I don't believe it..." Miao Yiyi hangs her eyelashes. "Miao Rongrong has always been insidious and cunning. Now I have caught up with the power of the dark palace. I am worried about you..."

"Don't worry." The night was clear what he wanted to say. Suddenly, he squinted and stared at Miao Yiyi, a face-changing elder of the left judge.

She did not continue to speak.

The eyes of both of them fell on the elders of the left judges.

This made the elders of the left judges react.

He was busy lifting his sleeves and smeared his eyes: "St., the saint, you talked slowly with the night girl, I will send the Elders E5 back!"

After all, I picked up the Elders of Miaowu and stepped away, and I quickly left.

Steps, there is no trace of it, hesitating.

Several elders behind him, all followed up.

They looked at each other, and they looked up and down at night, and looked at the direction from time to time.

For a long while, he hesitated to ask the mouth: "There are only... how many of you? The right judges elders, and Miao Rongrong... Why didn't they come out?"

The night cleared his eyes and glanced at them with a faint look: "If you are curious, go inside and see, don't you know?"

The Miao four elders shrank their necks.

Just a little recollection, when the dark Guards guarded them, they were so powerful that they didn’t even have enough room to spare. He still had a while.

Let him take the initiative to go and see?

If it was caught by the guard of the dark palace.

Can he still have a chance to live?

"If you don't dare, don't talk nonsense." The night was just a look at the elders of Miao Si, and he saw the thoughts in his heart.

She snorted and sneered in the muzzle: "And, Miao Rongrong is what you have done. If Yin Zongzhu comes to trouble, your elders are responsible for themselves."

Miao Da elder's face is white: "That, that Miao Rongrong she..."

"Not dead yet." The night answered coldly and replied, "But Miao Rongrong will die soon. There is still no loss of Miao Yixiong. When something happens, don't think about pushing it."

Listening to the tone of the night, the three elders also heard the seriousness.

They immediately looked pale and looked at each other and then quickly removed their sight.

The reminder, the night clearing has also been reminded.

The rest is not something she should worry about.

The night cleared the Miao Yiyi's wrist, crossed the three elders who were in the same place, and walked in the other direction.

Not far from the land of the king, it is the place where the Miao people and foreign guests.

Seeing the night clearing the new Hmong girl, leaving directly.

The gossip that can't stop growing is boiling.

Anyone can see it.

The relationship between the new Miao women and the Elders of the Miao is not harmonious.

Will this affect the future development of the Miao nationality?


After the ceremony, the new saint did not even say hello to the Miao people.

Instead, they followed their own good sisters, dropped the Hmong people, and many guests left.

This is to feel that I have become a Hmong Virgin.

Don't put them in your eyes?

Numerous arguments and various speculations did not prevent the two from leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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