Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2772: Cut off the source

Chapter 2772 cuts off the source

The night was clear and the face was heavy.

She can clearly feel her chest and the chill that erodes.

Just did not expect...

This chill is from the yin of the body...

The night fell to the footsteps and hung down. Look at your wounds.

I saw the place where the sniper was hit. A group of very light, not really black, swirling and lingering on her chest.

Little by little, towards her wound, I want to drill into the wound.

She raised her hand and held her wound.

These black breaths did not erode the chances in her body.

It has been blocked by the old man’s enthusiasm with the strength of the water bracelet.

However, the chill of the black gas, still makes her petite body, some shaking.

"This is what it is, this is what it is... It’s so good to get a hand, don’t suffer, don’t suffer, don’t hurt... you have a perfect skin...”

The voice of the haze is full of sneer.

"Miao Rongrong" squinted his eyes, no cover, greedy lingering in the night.

It is like looking at it, belonging to "her", the most perfect toy.

Under the long-term gaze of that kind of gaze.

At night, I only felt that my hair was upright, sticky, and disgusting.

It was also because the night fell suddenly and stopped.

"Miao Rongrong" is too confident.

Didn't let the five cockroaches continue to catch up with the night.

Instead, the night was cleared and the group was surrounded by a corner of the rock wall.

There is no escape direction at night, so you can choose.

Looking at the night surrounded by five scorpions, watching the night clear, the pale, while holding the chest, can not move.

The heart of the bloodthirsty heart in the heart of "Miao Rongrong" is surging and fierce.

"She" is excited.

The strange, perverted excitement is filled with the body and mind of "he".

"Looking at the head, this group of monsters can't kill, can't kill, whether it's fire, water, or crushing these monsters, can't stop it, this group of monsters obey the order..."

The old man’s dignified continuation: "So, you must cut off... control their source!"


The night was clear and charming, and I was sure to look at the front, five shackles that were only one step away from her.

These five flaws, just raise your hand a little.

She can hold her at any time.

Falling down at night is also the psychology of the person who secretly manipulates.

It is also clear that since the big as "Miao Rongrong", for his own embarrassment, there is 100% absolute confidence.

In the eyes of "Miao Rong Rong".

She is just the lamb to be slaughtered.

It is also the arrogance of the use of "Miao Rongrong" that she was able to breathe and discuss the opportunity to deal with the old man.

She stabilized her mind and carefully stared at the five black bodies that followed the "Miao Rongrong".

If you don't guess wrong, the five scorpions will be significantly increased after the emergence of "Miao Rongrong", but it is still increasing.

It is because of the yin that is connected.

This should be the source of the five cockroaches.

As long as the "Miao Rong Rong" and the five scorpions are cut off.

She took the life of "Miao Rongrong" and it was easy!


Although "Miao Rong Rong" is arrogant, it is also very careful.

She wants to be close to "Miao Rongrong" and will be blocked by the five cockroaches in advance and counterattacked...

How can we cut off this source?

She must hurry.

Otherwise, she is in danger of escaping...

(End of this chapter)

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