Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2760: Strange dark **** guard

Chapter 2760 Strange Dark Palace Guard

That hurricane, violent and fierce.

Quickly entangle the bodies of the dark Guards.

The guards responded quickly.

Five people immediately dispersed around, avoiding the hurricane that was like a sense of autonomy and flying around.

They are very disciplined.

After avoiding the initial attack.

At the same time, he turned his body and rushed in the direction of the hurricane.

These actions.

Don't dare to be a moment of time.

Master's tricks.

Fighting is speed.

The five guards, the action is like a sly, can't see at all, there is any difference in the action, or embarrassment.

It's like looking in the mirror.

Just then, a sharp female voice suddenly screamed.

"Ah! Come back! Come back and protect me! Protect me!"

The voice was sharp and harsh.

It is like a sharp blade that cuts the human eardrum.

The five dark palace guards will suddenly stand up against the hurricane that entangles the hurricane.


The hurricane was directly wrapped around five guards.


What surprised a few people was...

The five guards were in the moment of being smashed by the hurricane.

There is actually no one to make a defensive move.

Instead, it is facing the hurricane of the tyrants, directly... rushing toward the direction of Miao Rongrong!

It seems that the surrounding is like a sharp edge, and the hurricane that constantly cuts their skin does not feel the same.

In an instant, they have already rushed to the face of Miao Rongrong.

Five tall and burly bodies, surrounded by Miao Rongrong.

At that time, the night that was attacking in the direction of Miao Rongrong was cleared, and I had to stop.

At night, I stared at the twilight in the direction of Miao Rongrong, sinking slightly.

These guards are really... too strange...

Just like the dozen or so dark secluded guards that I saw in the Miao Square yesterday.

Very weird.

They don't seem to be afraid of pain.

It is like a cockroach that is manipulated by people.

Only know what to do, follow the instructions.

The stranger thing is...

The few guards, who were clearly cut by her smoldering by Xuan Li, cut the skin of the body.

She also saw it with her own eyes.

The place where the body was entangled by the hurricane was turned into a rag.

That piece of fast skin.

Also entangled, cracking countless cracks, but also a little bit of minced meat, even revealing the bones of the forest.

Yes, but there is no trace of blood.

It’s like yesterday, a dozen guards, the scene of being killed by the dark house of the second palace, exactly the same.

No blood.

Not afraid of pain.

This is simply...

It is like a high-end 傀儡.

The other three elders have also been scared by these five guards.

They were full of glare and looked unbelievable.

"A few of you, haven't you died yet?" The night cleared his eyes and looked at the wounds of the five guards. He squatted sideways and squinted at the people lying on the floor.

The lips of the elders of Miao Da have been whitish, and they have a quick cough.

After a long time, I couldn’t say a word.

The night was fine and the eyebrows were slightly stunned.

However, in the end, nothing was said, slender fingers, gently swept on his own phoenix ring.

Immediately, the fingertips bounce.

Miao Da elders and others have swept away.

They are reflective.

I saw a palm of different color in the palm of my hand.

This medicinal medicine, although the color is very strange.

However, the fragrant smell of the medicine has not yet been imported, and the elders of Miao Da feel that the internal organs that have been shattered in the body have alleviated many pains.

(End of this chapter)

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