Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2749: It seems that the things that are guessing at night are coming true.

Chapter 2749 seems to be a matter of guessing at night.

"The night girl is gone?"

The elders of Miao Si looked after the eyes of the seedlings, and asked deliberately.

Miao Yiyi looked calm and showed a smile.

A few of the Miao Da elders watched the figure of the night and left, and they did not doubt him. They immediately said: "The time is tight, we are now rushing over."

Said, he turned and led the way.

With the other three elders, they exchanged a line of sight.

A few people turned their eyes and turned their minds.

The Miao five elders are the most uncontrollable emotions on their faces.

As he walked forward, he left the light and slammed into Miao Yiyi's body.

The face is full of smirk.

Several people each have their own minds.

A few people don’t know...

Just outside the tunnel, the girl figure who walked slowly toward the guest passage, the steps were stiff and extremely shaken.

The red dress, like a flame, seems to have been extinguished, and there is no half-point.

When Emperor Xu Xuan came.

What I saw was the girl who swayed forward and did not have a semi-consciousness. She stepped over his shoulder and continued to move forward.

The girl's long hair poured down.

Covered the girl's face.

People can't really see the emotions on the girl's face.

The girl always bowed her head and walked stiffly forward.

The ignorant emperor Xuan Junmei was stunned, and the unhappy smashed the peach blossoms.

He quickly caught up and grabbed the girl's arm, a flash, and got into the dense trees.

His big big palm, directly on the girl's shoulder, the low-pitched voice, sinking very: "The night is clear!"

However, the girl who was brought to the trunk by him was showing no signs of struggle.

There is nothing at all, and there should be some incitement when he hears his voice.

The girl just lowered her head so quietly.

There is no ups and downs of emotions.

"How? When the deity does not exist?" Di Mo Xuan sneered, and the eyes flashed dangerously.

The girl still did not answer.

Calm seems to look down on the half-wave.

Even the breath of the girl, the Emperor Xu Xuan can not feel it.

and many more……


Emperor Mo Xuan's cold face moved, and the dawn flashed a few times.

He raised his hand and the big palm quickly crossed the long hair that was pouring, clasping her jaw.

Long hair was forced to spread, and the face of the girl was forced to reveal.

The pupil of Emperor Mo Xuan could not help but tighten a few moments when he touched the face.

With open hands, he immediately took the "person" in his hand.

The red girl fell to the ground.

Scattered under the long hair.

That is a... no facial features at all!


In the tunnel.

Miao Yiyi has been alert to the movements of the four elders.

Originally, four elders were leading the way.

And just about halfway through.

Miao Yiyi found herself, and she was surrounded by four elders without knowing it. She was surrounded by her.

Walking in front of it is the Elder Miao and the Elders of Miao.

Behind him is the Elders of Miao Er and the Elders of Miao 5.

Miao Yiyi was shocked and shocked at the bottom of her heart.

She is already careful enough.

Still unconsciously surrounded by several elders, she still did not find it...

It seems that those things that are guessed at night are...

All are step by step, moving towards reality.


Suddenly, a stone hit the rock wall.

At the same time, surrounded by the elders, who were like leisurely walks, rushed forward and surrounded Miao Yiyi.

Miao Yiyi was very close to her eyes, showing a panic look: "How, what?!"

(End of this chapter)

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