Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2742: The goal of Miao Rongrong is the Miao women.

The goal of Miao Rongrong in Chapter 2742 is the Hmong Virgin

This time, the night clearing did not stop the departure of the Elder Miao.

When Miao Da’s elders left, they still hesitated.

After a few steps, I didn't hear the voice of the girl.

Immediately, speed up your pace and leave quickly.

I am afraid that the night will be clear and repent, and I will be entangled.

The figure of the Miao Da elder quickly disappeared into the eyes of the three.

The courtyard of the Virgin was gone, and it was quiet.

Miao Yiyi Liu Mei was tight, looking at the night and clearing, asked: "Clear, why don't you let the Miao five elders speak clearly?"

The night is clear and the corner of the mouth is lightly hooked, like a smile and a smile.

Deep in the bottom of the skull, there seems to be any streamer, constantly flashing.

This stream of light is reflected in the eyes of the nursery.

The nursery only felt a burst of cold, as if it was a cold man, spreading the whole body from the heart.

The nursery is not fortunate.

Her Yiyi, fortunately, became a friend with the night.

If it is an enemy.

I am afraid that even her will not be the opponent of the night.

"Without asking, I can see that Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong should have been released." The night was quiet and there was no extra emotion. "Before you come here, the elders should be Miao Yixiong, Miao Rongrong, they met."

At this point, Miao and Miao Yiyi also have this feeling.

Just, can't believe, this is true.

Miao Yiyi Liu Mei tightened tighter: "The two people, but the Miao traitors, offended the emperor and you, also offended the Yuet Tsz! The elders, it seems more selfish, one heart only wants to sit down How can a person in his own elder position risk such a big risk and conceal the two people?"

"For those people, we are all outsiders." Miao sneered and screamed, "Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong... In the position of so many years, they are thoroughly Miao people. I can be sure if Miao Rongrong still has a chance to turn over, and they definitely do not hesitate to open us, and support Miao Rongrong."

"The nursery genius, they are not willing to open." The night cleared and snorted. "One becomes a saint, one becomes a patriarch, and all are happy."

Miao Yiyi and Miao Wei looked at each other and their faces changed slightly.

The Miao patriarch, although a patriarch, can be powerless and simply not as big as the Virgin.

The Miao nationality is the real master of the Miao nationality.

If it is to make Miao Rongrong a Miao woman.

Even if Miao Yiyi is a Miao patriarch, he will be crushed and there is no room for breathing.

"Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong are good abacus for playing." The night cleared the eyebrows and looked at Miao Yiyi. "These elders are obviously washed by Miao Rongrong. They don't trust you." If I haven’t guessed it wrong... After the recognition ceremony begins, your every move will be limited."

As the elders of Miao Da said.

They are definitely not allowed to take any chance of accidents.

In case of Miao Rongrong, it becomes a reality.

In order to prevent Miao Yiyi in the ceremony, I tried my best to ruin the situation of the Miao nationality.

They will definitely control everything in Miaoyiyi carefully.

"The two people...what is the idea? What do they want to do?!" Miao Wei heard the words and looked sad. "Miao Rongrong is difficult, but also wants to compete for the saint when the ceremony is going on." Position?"

"At this juncture, quietly coming back, it must be... this plan." Night clear nodded, "Her goal is to become a Hmong!"

(End of this chapter)

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