Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2738: Supporting Miao Yiyi

Chapter 2738 is for Miao Yiyi

He sneered, and there was a surge of blood that could not be stopped: "The former Missy is right. People like you have no Miao in their hearts!"

"The old five! What are you crazy about!" Miao four elders busy holding the Miao five elders.

The other elders were dark, but they didn't stop.

Obviously, I also agreed with the words of the Miao five elders.

Miao Yiyi's face is also getting cold.

The Miao five elders are like the more they say, the more they are so happy, they continue to roar: "In my opinion, you simply don't know the whereabouts of the king. You just want to ruin everything the Miao people have in front of all the guests and the Miao people. !"

After the last sentence came out.

The Elder Miao five finally felt happy.

His face was full of disdain and sneer at Miao Yiyi.

Looking at Miao Yiyi’s eyes is also full of hatred.

"Enough of the old five." Until the elders of Miao Wu were so happy, the silent Miao elders opened their mouths and called the Elders of Miao 5.

After he stopped the Elder Miao five, he sighed a long sigh: "Miss Miao Da, don't blame the old five, he is straightforward, and he never talks about the consequences. But... he said, it is not unreasonable."

He paused and looked at the nursery: "I know that the relationship between the saints and Ms. Miao Da is very close. It is better to say that the saints are fair, in order to maintain the face of the Miao people and stabilize the people of the Miao people. Our request is not too much, right?"

The nursery was in the four years of becoming a Miao woman.

I have always been with the Miao Grand Elders and cooperated with each other to maintain the prosperity of the Miao nationality.

At the beginning, it was also determined by the Miao Da elder that Miao Yiyi was the direct bloodline of the king of the king, and he had always taken care of Miao Yiyi.

In the past four years, the two have definitely been friends.

The Miao Da elder understands the temper of the nursery.

The nursery is also understanding that everything the Miaoda elders have done is to make the Miao people better.

If placed on other people.

The elders of Miao Da said that the choices they made were indeed made on the face of the Miao people, and they were not excessive.


The object they questioned.

It’s a niece she’s so hard to find!

How could she not be short?

In particular, the elders of Miao Wu still kept their voices, and said things in front of Missy.

Isn't this deliberately responsive to her family?

The nursery did not agree with his views on the face of the Miao nationality as expected by the Elder Miao.

Instead, I sneered and looked directly at the Elder Miao Wu: "Your request is not excessive?"

She snorted and covered her face with a cold breeze: "At this time, the Miao five elders actually knew that Yiyi was a Miao nationality. The blood of the Miao people was flowing. How can you not know before?"

Miao Wu elders want to fight back when they open their mouths.

But it was held down by the elders of Miao.

This is the Hmong Virgin.

If the old five dare to sing with the saint.

Rao is the elder of Miao Da, I am afraid there is no way to plead for the fifth.

The nursery sneered at the look of the vulture of Miao five elders, and the smile was even more ironic: "As for why Iyi will appear in the selection of the Holy Virgin, why is it not in your own heart?"

The face of Miao five elders suddenly sinks.

Several other elders also lowered their eyes and did not dare to look at the face of the nursery.

When Miao Yixiong is still in place.

Miao Rongrong was still Miss Miao Da.

The existence of Miao Yiyi is their shame.

Miao Yiyi will leave the Miao nationality, forced by Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong.

Come back now, also because...

She is the former patriarch of the Miao nationality, and now she is the only direct bloodline.

(End of this chapter)

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