Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2730: Don't be afraid, you are fine.

Don't be afraid of Chapter 2730, you are fine.

However, Miao Yiyi is not stable.

Before the nursery stopped, the man had already rushed into the courtyard that was blocked by the vines.

Miao Yiyi's feet, when I just bought the vines, I felt the danger.

For aphids, she is innately sensitive.

She quickly retracted her foot and quickly took out the powder from the quilt in the waist and made a counterattack.

Miao Yiyi's ability to respond is indeed very fast.

But after all, she was under the impulse, and half of her feet also entered the vine.

Even if a counterattack was made.

On the vine, a few black cockroaches, which are about a finger-thickness, fly directly along the foot of Miao Yiyi.

Miao Yiyi's face is slightly white, and quickly spread the powder to his feet.

Suddenly, one hand reached over and stopped her wrist.

Then she was included in a soft embrace.

"You can't use anti-powder powder. These are blood-sucking mites, group-action mites. If you use anti-caries and one of them, there will be thousands of blood-sucking venoms."

The voice of the woman’s gentle explanation sounded at the ear.

Miao Yiyi's petite body suddenly stiffened.

Her stunned squatting in place.

In my mind, it was a long-lived scene...

At that time, the nursery was so small that she was holding her in her arms.

The nursery uses her unique gentle tone, patiently and earnestly, to explain the locust knowledge she does not understand.

This scene……

It’s been a long time, I have never felt it.


A sullen, shocked Miao Yiyi returned to God.

The nursery forced her in her arms.

Directly with her hand, she blocked the bloodsucking cockroach that climbed up.

A few soft black mites instantly absorbed the white arm of the nursery.

Almost for a moment, the nursery's hand quickly dried up.


Miao Yiyi's eyes wide open, panicking and screaming, wanting to expel those bloodsuckers.

The nursery's hand fixed her very firmly.

Miao Yiyi was in her arms and couldn't move at all.

"Nothing." The nursery voice was very light, and with a faint whimper, "Don't be afraid, you are fine."

She said, the corner of her mouth still raised a smile.

She couldn’t feel it. She was sucked up by bloodsucking, and she was quick-drying her arms. With the hand that was ringing her seedlings, she pulled Miao Yiyi behind her.

"You don't move when you stand." Miao Wei whispered softly.

I am sure that Miao Yiyi is standing where she thinks it is safe.

The nursery began to deal with bloodsucking.

Not a moment, the bloodsuckers were re-enclosed in the drug hospital.

At this time, the face of the nursery is very pale.

She was relieved.

The feeling of excessive blood loss has poured into the head.

The dizziness in front of her eyes made her body crumbling.

"Be careful!"

A pair of soft little hands helped her in time.

The nursery was a little tired, and she kept her eyes open.

Sideways, looking at the worried young girl, there is a tender feeling in the eyes: "Iyi... Can you still call me again?"

The voice of the nursery, obviously choked.

The pair is full of exhaustion and sorrow from time to time, with a red frame.

Miao Yiyi only feels a tight heart.

The heart seems to be stunned by something.

The nose also feels sour.

Miao Yiyi moved her lips.

But what can't be spit out.

Waiting for a while, the nursery did not wait until Miao Yiyi shouted out that... let her wait for a few years...

The eyes of the nursery gradually faded.


[emmmm... I forgot, my pesticides will be played in the team on Friday, I will hit nine at seven, and I will win four in a row. I am so happy that I am going to provoke a manuscript~ What? 】

(End of this chapter)

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