Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2728: I also plan to sneak a long time there.

Chapter 2728 is also going to be eavesdropping on how long

"Why did you give Yiyi's mother to the Miao wife?" Although there was speculation in the night, I still wanted to hear Miao Wei say it.

The nursery lowered his eyes, his hands on both sides, his white fingers, and he picked it up.

When she spoke again, her voice was obviously a bit stunned: "That was the last request of my sister, I have to do this..."

Said, she has some whimpering.

She stopped, smashed her eyes, and suppressed the grievances that rushed into her heart.

Miao Yiyi has been misunderstanding her for so many years.

And in order to take care of the overall situation, she swallowed these grievances.

Now, she can finally say this grievance.

"My sister was at that time, because of the protection of Yiyi, it was very difficult to heal. Even if I used a medicinal sigh, I could live for a few days... It was because I knew my body, my sister asked me to take her away from Yiyi. Take the initiative to send me to her to the Miao wife and make a deal with the Miao ladies..."

"The Miao wife really hates her sister. The existence of her sister is like reminding her all the time. Her daughter is not the direct bloodline that the king has identified... her daughter is not a true woman. Miss Miao..."

"When I followed my sister's intention, I proposed... As long as I handed over my sister, the Miao woman promised to the Miao nationality, and would not hurt Yiyi half a point... and promised that Yiyi would live, live to the request of fifteen years old, The Miao ladies took it down."

After the nursery finished these words, it was already crying.

In the past, it has constantly emerged in my mind.

It is also constantly replaying, how she handed the nursery to the Miao ladies.

I also saw with my own eyes how my own sister and sister died in the hands of the Miao ladies.

The night was silent.

She guessed that the nursery handed over the nursery, which may have some purpose.

Just did not expect ... will be for this purpose.

Indeed, such a choice...

If you change to be her, you will do the same.

"Night girl..." Miao took a deep breath and stopped her own grievances. One hand still covered her lips and choked and asked, "Even if everything is the cause, you feel that Yiyi will... forgive me. ?"

The night cleared the lips and did not immediately give the answer.

Her delicate and charming, flashing, and her eyes moved to Emperor Xu Xuan.

She pointed her fingers and tightened the fingers of the man.

"I didn't forgive me. I didn't count it." After the night cleared the words, the fingers were even tighter.

Looking at the man's pale face.

I think that the pain is only able to rely on him to walk.

She was moved and finally chose to be selfish.

"I promise you that I will give you peace of mind and explain the chance of misunderstanding, just... can you forgive and have to choose Yiyi's choice."

When she finished, she looked at it a little bit and looked at a direction outside the house: "How long do you plan to sneak out there?"

When the night falls, it just falls.

The nursery body is a stiff, it seems to understand the meaning of the Emperor's mysterious words, the eyes are wide, looking at the place where the night clears the line of sight.

The wind blows, bringing the fragrance of the blades of grass around the locust food.

There are also countless rustling sounds of locusts.

After staring for a long time, I did not see the figure in the imagination, and it appeared in front of me.

The nursery gradually became stunned from the original tension.

A pair of beautiful eyes, also faintly hanged down: "This is a saint's courtyard, if I don't lead the way, she can't get in..."


[Updated today, what? 】

PS: I promised to start making up today, but in the afternoon, my father and I were sacred, and the code-named half of the ink was called out, and it came back at nine o'clock. Make up later until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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