Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2721: I can help with the poison of the emperor.

Chapter 2271, the evil spirits of the emperor, I can help

"I know, you want to talk to me, there is something about Yiyi."

The night cleared and looked back from the nursery, and looked back at the man lying on the bed. The voice was very light: "The relationship between you and Yiyi, if I did not guess wrong, even if it is not a mother and daughter, but once, love Mother and daughter."

The night fell and said, and once again reached out and held the big palm of the emperor.

After the ampoule is ignited.

Emperor Mo Xuan's brows were slightly relieved.

However, the temperature on the man cannot be lowered for a long time.

I hope that Emperor Xu can feel that she is with him.

With willpower, support the emotional and centrifugal stimulation.

"I am showing very clearly?" Miao Wei was behind him, smiled bitterly. "Iyi’s attitude towards me... so indifferent, why do you still see my relationship with her?"

The night did not look at her, the voice was a bit heavy: "The authorities are obsessed by the observers, I can see that Yiyi is not indifferent to you, just... unacceptable, you appear as a saint."

When the nursery was stunned, it seemed to be said to be in the mind, and he lowered his eyes.

For a long while, she sighed softly, and there was a hint of embarrassment and uneasiness between the eyes: "Night girl, toss the identity of the saint, I can be your elder, please do you one thing?"

At night, I fell over and looked at her.

The nursery lips moved: "Iyi trusts you very much, I hope... You can help me, fix my relationship with Yiyi, I don't want to leave regrets before leaving Nirvana."

Watching Miao Yiyi return to the Miao.

And I have lost the tenderness and innocence.

Become able to be alone.

The heart of the nursery is gratifying and excited, but it is also awkward and helpless.

She has never participated in these changes in the seedlings.

Without the changes of Miao Yiyi, she could not participate.

"Repairing the relationship?" The night cleared and laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Iyi is obviously not holding any hope for you. Since you have to leave the world of Nirvana, why should you let her have unnecessary hope before leaving? Add a sense of sadness?"

"I know... I used to be unable to hold her, but... But I am the only relative in this world... I don't want her to think that in this world, except for you, she has no concern..."

The nursery color is complicated: "And, Yiyi became a Hmong saint. After fifty years, he will be able to fly up to the Three Realms. I will be there waiting for her."

At night, I licked my lips and didn't answer immediately.

The nursery’s feelings for Miao Yiyi are not like fake.

Moreover, Miao Wei said it was right.

Remove the Miao Yixiong who will die.

The nursery is Miao Yiyi's real, the only relative.

Miao Yiyi has a deep resentment against the nursery.

However, if you really don't care about the nursery, how can you pay attention to the attitude of the nursery? Pay attention to the mood of the nursery.

Even more, because of the nursery, but also attempted to give up the selection of the Virgin.

If you really don't care.

It will not be affected by emotions.

"If... you can help me, you can make Yiyi calm, and see me, talk about... the poison of the emperor, I can help."

When the nursery saw the night and fell, she didn’t talk, her hands clasped together, and the voice sounded a little dazed.

Obviously, she does not want to use the same way as this transaction, begging for help at night.

Just... she has no choice.

In the face of this, I was only thinking about how to get the nursery that the younger forgive, and I couldn’t get angry at night.

(End of this chapter)

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