Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2717: After I finished talking, I want to deal with it, I will cooperate with it.

After the 2717th chapter is finished, I want to deal with it, I will cooperate with it.

"Not good." Di Mo Xuan still refused.

Night clear: "..." Ma egg, can you still have a pleasant conversation?

For a long while, the night was defeated: "What do you want?"

"Return to the house, dispose of you." Di Mo Xuan answered very decisively.

Obviously, I heard very normal words.

Can be said from the mouth of Emperor Xu Xuan, it is inexplicably brought to the species... sultry, with the meaning of color...

At night, I cleared my teeth and reached out. I slammed **** the man’s tight waist: "I lost it to you! I will go with you, let you dispose of it, you can!"

She said, she twisted her small body and twisted her head to the side.

Express yourself now, very angry!

While being angry, the night is clear and I will not forget to release the seven seven.

Then gave the seven seven seven orders to accompany Miao Yiyi.

The small group of seven or seven is so cute.

It should be able to make Miao Yiyi feel better.

Emperor Xu Xuan squatted on the peach blossoms, watching the seven-seven-story lightning-like figure, the low voice of the voice: "Can't see, the woman of the deity is not a simple character."

The night was sullen and sullen, licking his nose: "Know it, so... what you have to do is to hold my thigh and listen to me!"

The girl is sultry and screaming.

Let the light of Emperor Mo Xuan become softer and softer.

His low-dumb smile, the red lips, the color is more and more sorrowful and gorgeous: "This proposal is not bad, but ... let the devil try first, your thigh, hold it."

During the conversation, he had already stopped and held the girl directly in his arms.

There are too many people watching around.

He is the girl who loves to tease again.

There is also no evil taste for others to watch the show.


He does not want anyone to see a shy girl.

Emperor Xu Xuan just stood up in the night and stood up.

There was an eager call behind him: "Imperial Master, please stay!"

Also accompanied by eager footsteps.

Emperor Mo Xuan did not hear it as he did, and went straight ahead.

The night cleared and heard that it was the voice of the nursery. When she thought of Miao Yiyi, she pulled the collar of Emperor Xu Xuan: "It is a saint, let me down."

Emperor Xu Xuan’s thin lips are obviously unpleasant.

But still stopped.

The nursery also happened to be up.

She looked at the girl who was held in her arms by Di Mo Xuan. She slammed her head a little bit: "Night girl, I have something to say to you, do you have time?"



Two voices, the same voice.

The night clear anger glared at him: "Di Mo Xuan! You don't make trouble, the saints look for me, there must be something to do!"

"Does the deity of the deity not be a business?" Di Mo Xuan sneered.

The nursery is even more embarrassed.

Watching the Emperor of the Emperor holding the night clear posture.

Looking at the atmosphere between the two.

Miao Wei also understands how much she is disturbing the good things of the Emperor.


She has no extra time, waiting for the next opportunity to talk to the night.

I thought of Miao Yiyi looking at her own eyes.

The nursery still took a deep breath and said again: "Night girl, only delays your time for a little while, if it is... Emperor is not assured, you can go together."

Emperor Xu Xuan's color is a glimpse, thin lips fretting.

It is time to open.

The girl’s eye is fast, and the soft little hand is directly attached to the mouth of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The girl's other hand, wrapped around the man's neck, got together in the man's ear.

She lowered her voice and her tone was very serious: "After talking, what do you want to do, I will cooperate!"


[Updated today, what? Ink is so embarrassed, use the ticket to reward Moye Wow~]

(End of this chapter)

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