Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2715: Even if they are centrifuged, they can't separate their hearts.

Chapter 2715, even if it is centrifuged, cannot separate their hearts.

"The Miao people have no interest in the story."

The man's low-pitched voice, melodious voice, magnetic, hooked tight: "You are uneasy to seduce the deity, so can't wait, want the deity to sleep you?"

His fingers, with a slight blemish, touched his face, very gentle.

On the face of the night, there was a very satisfying look like a cat.

Breathing, the smell of spraying, is also hot and attractive.

She has a pink lips and a low smile. "But it is a few touches. The emperor has come to react. The emperor is too eager for me, or is it too easy... react?"

Xu is the man's fingertips, she is very comfortable.

When the girl spoke, she still had a whisper of satisfaction.

The tail sounds up, and it is extremely evil.

It's like a seductive little hook.

Little by little, swaying somewhere in the heart.

The emperor of Emperor Mo Xuan suddenly tightened.

Suddenly, the gentle and gentle hand on her face caught her chin.

The man bowed his head and leaned close to her.

But there is no kiss down.

It’s only close up, it’s full of dangerous atmosphere, low dumb voice, warning: “The night is clear, don’t try to provoke the deity.”

The power of Emperor Mo Xuanwu is somewhat big.

It was a big pain to her chin.

At night, I screwed down my eyebrows, and I endured the pain of my chin. I strongly pulled out the evil smiles and bent on me. "Is it my heart, and I am angry and angry?"

Emperor Xu Xuan Xun is still flashing, staring at the face of the night, no momentary.

For a long while, he let go of the five fingers.

Also removed his own sight.

He just sat on the cushion, his legs were half-curved, and the twilight stared deep in the front.

It seems that I don't want to go down with the night and say a little more.

This attitude makes the night clear and good.

He does not deny it.

It is proved that she really said his mind.

In the case of centrifugation.

Can still have such a strong reaction to her.

It is enough to explain how important she is in the heart of Di Mo Xuan.

Even if it is centrifuged.

It is absolutely impossible to separate the hearts of both of them!


Regardless of the opinions of the Miao people.

The saint made a speech.

It was confirmed that Miao Yiyi’s answer was completely correct.

The person who became the last candidate for the Virgin was Miao Yiyi.

Wait until tomorrow, go to the land of the ancient kings, and carry out the ceremony approved by the king.

Immediately, about the effort of a cup of tea.

The selection ceremony today is announced.

The crowd continued to scatter.

If Miao Yiyi does not return, he will go down the stage.

The judge's elders immediately caught up: "Miss Miao Da, etc., etc..."

Several other elders also followed suit.

Miao Yiyi was surrounded by several elders. Xu was because of the influence of his mood, and his face was not smiling.

"Miss Miao Da... Tomorrow, tomorrow is the recognition ceremony of the king, you, when will you..." The four elders stuttered and thought that they were thinking about the words.

Other elders also looked at Miao Yiyi with a look of hope.

They all know.

At the beginning, Miao Yiyi took away the ancient king and fled the Miao.

Now Miao Yiyi returned to the Miao nationality.

She has never explained it about the things of the ancient king.

The ancient king of the king is related to the lifeline of the Miao.

After Miao Yiyi took the ancient king, what did he do?

Is the ancient king of the king still on Miao Yiyi?

These problems have made them scratch their hearts for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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