Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2664: The people of the dark palace are coming.

Chapter 2664 The Dark House is coming.

at the same time.

A gust of wind suddenly rose and ran across the place where Joe Jin was standing.


The huge shattering sound is deafening.

The ground exploded a huge deep pit.

The smoke was rolling and it was all around.

The ground also gave a brief sense of vibration.

If... only Qiao Jin did not avoid it.

At this time, Qiao Jin will be buried in the huge pit.

At the horizon, the time has become like a thick layer of thick ink.

A piece of black pressure makes you feel suffocated.

The surrounding guests were caught by the changes in this scene.

"This... what is going on?"

"What happened?"

“How could it suddenly change the day?!”

Numerous horror arguments resounded through the square.

The hearts of the guests, there is a kind of inexplicable sense of uneasiness, constantly surging.

At night, the eyebrows fell slightly and looked at the black pressed sky. The pink lips slammed slightly.

She looked at Qiao Jin and whispered, "Isn't it hurt?"

"No." Qiao Jin shook his head and looked dignified. "There is a bad person, be careful."

The night was clear and charming.

She naturally feels that this power has a sense of pressure.

Indeed, the people who come are not good.

Moreover, it is obviously directed at her.

She was sinking in the dark, and between the eyes, it was a dark and unclear: "Yan Zhenfei was taken away."

Qiao Jin’s eyes swept to the side, and the place where Yan Fei was lying.

The smoke scattered.

It is true that the shadow of Yan Zhenfei has not been seen.

Even Sun Yutong and Mei, who are not far away, disappeared.

"The people who are in the dark palace are coming!" Qiao Jin immediately reacted.

Immediately, the instinctive turned and quickly returned to the side of the words, tightening her shoulders, a protective posture.

"Dark Palace..."

Yan Yan’s eyebrows were close, and he looked up and looked at the thick ink of the sky. “She is really for power now, willing to be with the devil?”

"Is it still?" Qiao Jin whispered.

Do you care?

The scorpion of words, there is a moment of chaos.

For a long while, she pulled her lips and smiled lowly: "I don't care, I never thought about family, how can I care. Just... It feels ridiculous."

The singer put all the treasures on the body of Yan Zhenfei.

Even for the sake of true Philippine, I am willing to stand on the side of the dark forces, abandoning the place where I grew up, and helping the dark forces to occupy the Western Continent.

just now……

Yan Zhenfei is not just a complete abandonment of the words.

Also betrayed his own soul.

If the speaker knows that the speaker will fall to this point.

At the beginning, I will still turn my back on it, and pay attention to it?

She chuckled.

Laughing and smiling, the look on the face has restored her calm.

All of this has nothing to do with her.

Now she, as long as she has such brothers as Qiao Jin and night clear, is enough.

Just when the two talked.

Suddenly, the dark Guards, who lined up in a row, had the action of brushing them.

They stood up straight, straightened their waists, and then clenched their hands, respectfully pointing in a direction in the sky, and squatting down...

"Welcome to the second house!"

The voices of the guards are extremely loud.

The guests were shocked and licked their ears and looked at the guards who had been stunned.

what did they say?

Second, the second house?

The second house of the dark palace? !

This group of ambassadors of the dark sacred ambassador, the guards who did not care, greeted the second lord? !

On time, a pair of eyes, brushed and looked in the direction of the guards squatting.


[Sorry, I have been waiting for a long time, and now I am finally rushing to the story. Because of the cover copyright, Moye has changed the cover of Zhang Xin, temporarily used it, and the cover is authorized, I will replace the new cover again~ I hope that the babies will look for [Zou Mo]'s "Selling Miss Seven: Emperor Supreme, Lightly Love", don't forget the ink lord because of changing the cover... What?

(End of this chapter)

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