Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2660: No one can hurt the little world in the world.

Chapter 2660, no one can hurt the little ones in the world.

Everyone, almost instinctive, followed the voice, full of respectful, and looked at the past.

A man with a half mask, a pair of black, ink-like eyes, deep and cold, can not afford the half-wave.

Just a look.

It was shocking the audience.

This... this is the gas field of the real strong!

Compared with the arrogant atmosphere of the Dark Palace, it is even more compelling to surrender.

This man, who is it...

In the hearts of countless people, this doubt has arisen.

On the other side, Yan Zhenfei is also closely attached to the body of Emperor Mo Xuan.

In the eyes, it is a valley that cannot be hidden.

Such a noble and powerful man.

In order to deserve her.

This man is her! It is her!

It can be said that the woman present, the thoughts in my mind are the same.

I want to take it for myself.

However, he feels that his sacredness is high and unattainable.

At this time, the man with half a mask once again opened his mouth, and his voice was cold and skeletal: "If a small child is against the people, I will naturally shoot."

His gaze fell slowly on Gu Jingyu.

The icy chill, like the frost of December, covered the body of Gu Jingyu.

Emperor Xu Xuan continued: "No one in the world can hurt the little ones, not even myself!"

His words are lost.

Both eyes have returned to the place surrounded by the dozen or so guards.

Just a moment.

The icy dawn of a man has blossomed like a spring blossom.

The smooth lines of the smooth chin are also softened at this moment.

Such a huge contrast made the people's respect for Emperor Mo Xuan more and more intense.

However, Gu Jingyu and Yan Zhenfei and others, when they heard the first sentence of Emperor Mo Xuan, their faces looked different.

Gu Jingyu was a glimpse of the face, the face full of anger, calmed down bit by bit.

He looked at the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan.

This man means...

He doesn't do it.

Is it because the night is fine?

Night falls... nothing? !

Yan Zhenfei’s face was also black.

After realizing the words of Di Mo Xuan.

She suddenly reacted.

Immediately screamed: "Come back! You have a bunch of waste! Come and protect the messenger!"


The light-hearted laughter echoed in the ears of Yan Zhenfei.

Like a smile from hell.

Let the body of Zhenfeifei suddenly froze.

"It's already late."

That laugh, gently vomiting words.

In the next moment, Yan Zhenfei only felt his neck buckled by a cold, soft finger.

Sharp nails, like a sharp edge.

It seems to be easy and can cut through her skin.

That... that is...

It was a red girl who was engulfed after being attacked by a dozen dark guards!

She... When did she rush to the words of the messenger?

Fast speed!

In fact, in the case of such a sealed enclosure, he can escape and protect the messenger of the dark palace...

The people once again refreshed their views on the implementation of the night.

"You...when are you..."

Yan Zhenfei was caught in his throat and it was very difficult to talk.

The night fell in her ear and smiled: "It’s just."

Her eyebrows smudged a shallow smile.

Not a smug smile after escaping from the guard.

It is not a revenge smile after the neck of Yan Zhenfei.

It's very shallow, so shallow that it makes people laugh and laugh: "The messenger, don't be afraid, at least for now, I won't want your life."


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