Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2642: This is a me, is it asking me? (Ink cat CP related)

Chapter 2642, ink, is this asking me? (Ink cat CP related)

"I know what you are worried about." The night laughed and patted the shoulder of the gentle dance. "If I am injured, A Xuan will be more painful than me, so you can rest assured that I will not let myself have an accident, nor Will let Axuan have an accident."

Jun light dance still wants to say something.

Suddenly, a low voice floated from one side: "What do you grind? There are a few old men around you, are you afraid of her accident?"

It is a ghost.

His very young face was filled with a serious and calm look.

It seems that there is no sense of contradiction.

Jun light dances slightly, the eyes look at the direction of the ghost Wu, seems to be hesitating what the ghosts said.

Zou Mo extended his hand and hooked the neck of Ghost Wu. He said with a smile: "Yes, it’s right. There are Awu and Xiaoye, you are still worried about it!"

Ghosts tweeted their eyebrows and looked at Zou Mo.

Zou Mo is the smiling head of Ghost Wu, twisted to the other side, and then danced toward Jun: "Don't look at Awu's unwillingness to help, you can rest assured that as long as the little master stays here, He will definitely stay here, and leave with peace of mind~"

Ghost Wu blackened his face and was silent.

This is also the default.

Jun light dance looked at the ghosts and a half.

Immediately after the night, I saw the past: "That... Emperor will take care of you, I will come back immediately."

After all, Jun light dance directly got up and left the Miao people's stockade.


Zou Moxiao's eyes were sent after the gentle dance.

He moved and squeezed the peaches and gathered them to the side of the night.

He smiled at his eyebrows.

"Small clearance..."

Zou Mocai called out three words.

Suddenly I felt a cold snap.

He was shocked and his eyes looked in the direction of the cold.

It was on the cold eyes of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Zou Mogang had to rely on the body of the night to clear the ear, little by little, and moved backwards.

"A Xuan, don't scare him." The night cleared and squeezed the palm of Emperor Xu Xuan, and looked at him sideways. "What do you want to say?"

Zou Mo looked at the Emperor Xu Xuan, and after looking at the eyes, the two under the headscarf kept swaying his ears. The glass cat that wanted to eavesdrop was only heard by two people: "The little wild cat listens to you most, you I also know that Xiaoye’s thoughts on the little wild cat... When it’s empty, in front of the little wild cat, how many words for the younger brother, how?”

At night, I raised my eyebrows: "Is this less than me?"

"No, Xiaoye is doing business with you." Zou Mo shook his head seriously. "I will lend Awu to you, how to use it, how long it will take, how long it will take. And you... just For the younger brother in front of the little wild cat to say a few words. This transaction, you are not at all loss, more cost-effective!"

The night fell over the head, his eyes glanced at the ghosts, and looked at Zou Mo.

This, sell teammates, sell it is not too simple!

But she did not intend to let Zou Mo so easily, she turned her kitten.

Although, it can be seen that the kitten is not without feelings for Zou Mo.


The identity of the kitten, and the identity of Zou Mo...

If you really want to be together, I am afraid it is a bit difficult.

After all, the kitten is the princess of the orc family cat orc.

Also signed a blood contract with her.

Before the contract is lifted, the kitten must be with her.

If Zou Moru wants to be with the kitten, then he must follow the kitten and follow her.

Zou Mo is in.

Ghost Wu will also be there.

Two more boosts.

It’s a pleasure to fall at night.

(End of this chapter)

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