Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2638: Strange news

Chapter 2638 Strange Message

The night closed and closed his eyes.

She put A Xuan's anti-drug pressure on Miao Yiyi.

At this time, it should not disturb the heart of Miao Yiyi.

She should believe.

In the face of unequal treatment, resolutely choose to leave Miao Yiyi with Miao Yi Wang, with her blood and blood.

"Let's say, just... your subordinate, telling you something." The night of the fall will be Miao Yiyi's things, put it aside for the time being.

The peach looked around.

The people around them, because of the episodes of the genius, have set their sights on their pedestrians.

Standing, too conspicuous.

The night cleared the Emperor Xu Xuan and returned to the seat.

The peach sat down on her side, and this was a solemn expression: "When you are troubled by your grandchildren, I have left the spy of the peach blossoms three thousand."

Clear at night: "..."

Someone asked her for trouble, and the peach left a spy to watch the fun?

This is really enough friends!

Peach did not make a joke, and continued: "After you left, Mei was entangled in the scum of several small forces... It is very strange to say it."

“Well?” The night fell with a slight brow.

The peaches paused, and the voice was depressed. It was mysterious: "When Mei was wrapped up, he resisted very much. But after being beaten by the few people, he followed the people and went to the grove... ..."

The words also listened at the side: "The grove? Maybe... Her rebellion before was deliberately made for others to see? Actually, I want to take the opportunity to climb the forces of those people?"

"If that's the case, I won't say it is strange." The peach shook his head. "My spy told me that Mei is alone, coming out of the woods... and she is getting younger and more beautiful. ... 浑 浑 浑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hearing his chin: "It may be moisturized and satisfied."

"Should not be." The peaches tightened their lips, their eyebrows were heavy, and they sighed. "May and the men went into the grove for a short time, and the half-column was not enough..."

In general, a few men...

It’s impossible to be half-column, and May will be able to walk out of the woods with radiance.

The night cleared and heard the deep meaning of it. She pondered for a moment and said: "Well, even if the time is half-cold, Mei is really moisturized... It should be a few men, and it’s only to come out with Mei. ......"

"The most important thing is... my spy has heard... screams." The peach nodded. "After Mei came out, my spy wanted to continue to follow Mei, but it was almost discovered by Mei."

"That is to say... After Mei came out of the grove, not only did her appearance change, but even the strength... also increased?" The night cleared the meaning of the peach.

After a moment of indulgence, her fingertips tapped on the table: "If this is the case, now... only to find those men, can you know what happened?"

"I'm afraid, I can't find it." The peach shook his head. "My Detective was almost discovered by Mei, then I chose to enter the grove, looking for the men, but... the entire grove, there are no men's whereabouts. ......"

She paused and said again, "He sent a lot of people and looked around the grove... I also investigated the identity of those people and asked about their entourage. I can be sure that the men It has disappeared."

(End of this chapter)

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