Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2634: That is the emperor's mother?

Chapter 2634 is that the emperor's mother?

The whispers of the thousands of people quickly caught the attention of the people around them.

The news about the disregard of an ordinary woman in the emperor.

The northern part of the mainland, and even the nirvana, has been rumored.

However, there are also many people, such as those who are not qualified to participate in the small life of the Sui Yuezong sect, but they have not seen the overnight clearance.

Nowadays, when I saw this legend, I once seduce the woman of the Emperor.

They all came together to look at it.

Several other people began to chew their tongues: "This woman is really amazing. It has just been abandoned by the Emperor, and now it has been hooked up with new love."

"Who is that son? Looks like... extraordinary."

"Definitely honorable, this fox, obviously so ugly and ordinary, how can always seduce so many handsome and honorable men!"

"Live a good life."

"Hate! What are you talking about?" The Qianjins were shy and shy for a while, and continued. "However, what you said is not without reason."

"The son must have been deceived by the fox!"


The attention of the people was transferred from the body that had fallen from the night to the man who was near the night.

They are all speculating about what the man is.

After all, do you want to give up the abandonment of the Emperor?

You know, the man’s possession is very strong.

Even a woman abandoned by herself.

Also, you can't let other men get involved.

Therefore, it is this man who does not know that the night has followed the Emperor.

Either, there is enough confidence that you can rival the Emperor.

For everyone's discussion, the night is not clear.

Just then, the carriage of Yan Yan and others moved.

A slender, tall figure came down from the carriage.

It was a woman who looked very delicate and beautiful, dressed in a dark blue dress, and her hair was loose.

The whole person exudes a kind of sleek and noble temperament.

The crowd of people on the crowd, when they looked at the woman’s face, they almost screamed.

"That... that was what the restaurant saw on that day... girl?"

"Yes! It's her! I remember clearly!"

"She...she is the wife of Emperor Supreme? The real emperor's mother?"

"I was in the restaurant that day, and I saw the Emperor of the Emperor throwing the night and taking the initiative to go to the woman! And... the relationship is very close, it is awkward, and it is hug! This woman is definitely the emperor's mother. !"

"What the **** is going on? How can the emperor's mother sit in the carriage of the gang at night?"

"The carriage, isn't it the master of the ghosts? Maybe... the emperor's mother knows the ghosts, and gives the ghosts a face, and then reluctantly and the night-falling friends who are sitting in a carriage?"

Everyone has published their own opinions and opinions.

At this time, a bright and luxurious carriage drove from the side.

Down, isn’t it just the plum that has been abused on the ground?

Her injury seems to be good seven seven eight eight.

Just a face, a little pale.

With the charm of her eyebrows that can't be concealed.

It doesn't have a charm.

Under the help of an awkward shackle, she walked down the carriage, a pair of beautiful eyes, like a quenching poison, slamming the night and screaming, sneer and said: "You don't forget, the day at the peach blossom restaurant, the night falls but it is right. The emperor’s mother and mother whispered, it’s a gesture of Xiao Xiao, I see you...”

She turned her voice and said: "The emperor abandoned her, because the emperor's mother came back. And now she is looking for the next home, maybe she wants to declare war with the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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