Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2625: Trouble, this is the hand and let one let

Chapter 2625 is troublesome, this is the hand and let one let


I have been isolated from the night before the battlefield, and I coughed a few times.

She raised her hand, across the sleeves, on the wrist that was unintentionally covering her eyes: "I don't care, you talk so happy, can you take your hand off?"

Unstrained arm, slightly stiff.

Half a mile, move your hand away.

In the eyes of the night, it will return to brightness.

She stunned and looked at her unintentional eyes: "Trouble, this hand also gives way."

She pointed the finger on her shoulder.

I looked at her intently and deeply.

His eyes are heavy, like to engrave her looks into the heart.

When I looked straight at the night, when I was inexplicably hairy, he slowly released his hand.

The night fell quickly and moved aside, moving a few steps away from the unintentional range.


Her family kissed A Xuan and waited for her in the carriage.

If she let her family kiss A Xuan, she was touched by another man.

There may be a big ups and downs in the mood.

The vinegar jars are two or three altars!

The night cleared the lips, and the tone was alienated: "Hey, don't hesitate to say something that is misunderstood, I am not familiar with you..."

Unsatisfiedly, the cold face was cold, and the cold face was slightly pale.

"Night, you don't know how to be good!" Yan Feifei can't bear it. "The Lord of the Lord is willing to speak for you, and you deliberately pretend to pack it!"

Yan Zhenfei is going crazy.

More precisely, it is going crazy.

Her good luck at night.

Staying up late, I have been loved by the Emperor of the Emperor, and now I can get a different look.

The Dark Palace cooperates with the Fortress of Death.

Yan Zhenfei is the clearest.

This person, who is unintentional, is as unnamed as a person.

There is no one at all, and he can let him have a look.

Except...the night is clear.

However, the night is still not knowing!

Actually, I still treat the owner of the castle with this attitude!

Is it deliberately taking advantage of the Lord’s eyes to treat her different eyes, arrogant and arrogant? !

Hearing the voice of Yan Zhenfei, he was not interested in the words of Zhenfei in the night.

Instead, he looked at his eyebrows carefully and carefully looked at his words.

Yan Zhenfei... What mysterious power is there.

Allowing her to pass through her eyes can affect the minds of others...causing control.

Is this mysterious power related to the dark palace, and related to the dark forces?

If this is the case...

The forces of darkness look like...I don’t plan to give up...

Still want to take advantage of the reputation of the dark palace, come back?

This matter, she has to ask the gentle dance as soon as possible.

Let Jun light dance to check, like this, with the dark forces as the background, using the upper three circles as the gimmick, to build a so-called dark secluded palace, and received a myriad talented disciples...

This is not a violation of the balance of the treaty!

the most important is……

If this is the case, as she guessed.

The poison of the body of Emperor Mo Xuan must be solved as soon as possible!

After all, the current trend of the Dark Palace is obviously to cover the Imperial Palace.

Before the Imperial Palace, the reason for the tossing of the wind chimes and the Imperial Palace.

It is already worse than before, the glory of the strong period.

Now there is a dark palace.

Emperor Mozhao is the Emperor of the Emperor, and he must lead the disciples of the Emperor in the Imperial Palace to suppress the dark palace.

"You, what do you look at!" Yan Zhenfei almost had to look down at the night to look at the eyes, staring at the body, like the feeling of not wearing clothes.

Can be hampered by the unintentional side.

Yan Zhenfei is angry in his heart, but he does not dare to swear.


[First four chapters, see you in the afternoon! 】

Thanks to the lord (LcySnow Shadow 壕) for the reward of 20,000 books.

Thank Custodian (love Zouren Mrs. Pu) 20,000 books coins a reward!

Thank you for your money! I owe the next four chapters again! Ink silently remembered the small books!

Emmm~baby, you said, will you continue to make up for it today? If you want to continue to make up for you, please recommend the ticket, the monthly ticket, and the message of God horse! ! A set of 66 tickets! A group of 666 recommended tickets to go!

(End of this chapter)

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