Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2618: Finished, you are rolling, still have to fight

After the completion of Chapter 2618, you are rolling, or you want to play


Finally, the girl who has been silent has finally opened her mouth.

Her voice, with her unique laziness.

"Sounds, this girl, it seems that you have a good relationship with the so-called night clearing in your mouth. How do you want to hold her an unbalanced attitude?"

The night was clear and smiled, and the stars were a little bit shiny. In her scorpion, she stunned the brilliance.

Yan Zhenfei's arrogance, arrogant face, a trace of anger: "Who is fighting for the monk? This lady just reminds you that you have a fake, without the use of value, you should disappear, don't lose sight!" ”

The smile between the night and the eyebrows is even stronger.

Immediately, under the eyes of the three women, slowly spit out a word.


The look of Yan Zhenfei’s face became like a pot of gray.

The faces of Sun Yutong and Mei are also extremely ugly.

Then, at night, I picked up my eyebrows and looked at the three of them. I looked around in a circle: "When you are finished, you are rolling, or you have to fight, don't waste time."

This kind of arrogance to the extreme attitude.

Let the three people suddenly dissatisfied with the night, and skyrocketed to the top.

"Well... the night falls, do you really think that you are clear at night? You are just a fake that has lost the protection of the Emperor!"

Yan Zhenfei’s eye glimps, killing the mind, and a mysterious force, slamming from her palms.

"You really thought that imitating the madness of the night, are you really clear at night?!"

The moment when her palms fell, she did not forget to scream: "Sun Yutong, Mei!"

The white woman, also Mei, does not hide her hatred of the night.

Upon hearing the voice of Yan Zhenfei, her eyes filled with killing intentions and released her rights. The five fingers turned into a virtual shadow and rushed to the direction of night clearing.

In the vagueness, it can be seen that the fingers in the illusory of Mena have turned into sharp claws.

A few people on the crowd can clearly see.

Behind the night, there was a black void.

A sharp claw, from the void to find out.

The roots of the fingers were sharp and flashing, and they slammed into the back of the night.


The girl before the void.

It seems that there is no awareness of the changes behind him.

It seems that all of his attention is in counterbalance with Yan Zhenfei.

A few people on the crowd sighed.

This young girl, who lost the protection of the Emperor of the Emperor, has only one dead end.

However, it was a woman abandoned by the Emperor.

They also can't sin for the three daughters for her.

Yan Zhenfei is face-to-face with the night, and it is natural to clearly see the claw that oozes out of the void after the night falls.

Yan Zhenfei mouth raised a slap in the arc.

The palm of the hand that fell to the night, also in this moment, the mysterious force soared, like a stormy wave, and swept away!

Front and rear pinch.

She does not believe.

This monk called the night is still alive!

Just as Yan Zhenfei is very proud, the palm of the hand will fall to the moment when the chest clears the chest.

I don’t know why, and I’ve raised a chill.

An inexplicable sense of crisis has eroded her body and mind.

There is a moment of stagnation in the palm of the hand.

The girl in front of her eyes showed her a sinister smile, her curved eyebrows, and her narrow arc, which was even more evil.

The glamorous enchanting room reveals a ridiculous smile.

When Yan Zhenfei realized what, Yan Ren suddenly tightened and immediately wanted to leave.


It’s too late...

A girl who smiles like a flower in front of her eyes, a sham, is like melting in the air, disappearing...


Congratulations to LcySnow (Shadow壕) as the third ally of Miss Seven! The third lord of Moye came out! I can be excited! Shadow baby, contact me soon~ Let's have a monkey together! 】

(End of this chapter)

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