Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2606: Let me kiss you again, dare?

Chapter 2606, let me kiss you again, dare you?

The heart is hurting.

The consciousness of Emperor Xu Xuan is more and more confused.

He seemed to have exhausted his strength and recovered his outstretched hand.

He closed the peach blossoms.

This...should not be the reaction he should have.

This girl.

Three times and five times, using means to approach him.

Touch him, slap him, even more shameless... kiss him.

If you change to be any other woman, dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

He has killed her long ago!


Why, he can't get his hands?

Facing her time.

There will always be that...

Unable to control the feeling of your emotions.

What exactly is going on?

"Emperor, you...you..." The other people on the table also stood up.

They twisted their eyebrows and cautiously called him: "You don't remember...cleared?"

"The deity needs to remember her?!" The emperor's voice is steep and the clouds are dense.

The peach shrinks its neck: "If you don't remember, you don't remember, why bother to make such a big fire..."

"The deity can't remember, just don't remember!" Emperor Xu Xuan sang a light, like a sharp blade, direct to the peach.

The peach quickly shrank back to the ghost.

The night cleared quietly and looked at this scene.

She is very clear.

Emperor Xu Xuan of the episode of centrifugation.

Remember that everyone will not remember him.

Whether it was once, every thing I spent with her.

In the memory of Emperor Xu Xuan, all of them are alone.

He remembers everyone in the Devil's class.

Remember everyone in Sanquanzong.

It is alone, I don’t remember her alone.


He doesn't remember, but she remembers.

Even the emperor of the sputum episode.

Her habits, she knows everything.

For example, now, the emperor Xuan Xuan rushed to the peach, the reason for such a big fire...

After all, it is because of her.

Emperor Mo Xuan thought that the peach was reminding that some time ago, he had a rebellious mentality due to the episode of eccentricity, and he wanted to murder the people of all major forces in the case of Yu Yuezong.

She kissed him.

Di Mo Xuan does not want to remember this matter.

I don't want to remember that I was kissed by a woman.

Therefore, it will be such a big gas.

Unacceptable, was she kissed?

The eyelids that cleared the night, shivering slightly, showing a bit of desolateness.

She has a slightly pink lips, lifts her charms, and looks at the Emperor Xu Xuan: "The object that provokes you to be angry is me, why bother to take innocent people?"

"Do you know that you have provoked the deity?" When Emperor Xu Xuan heard her voice, there was a nameless anger in his heart.

Lift your hands at night.

On the back of her hand, the trace of red that was taken out by Emperor Xu Xuan was extremely clear and had not dissipated: "I kissed you, and you also moved to me and did not owe each other."

"Oh!" Emperor Xuan Xuan began a long and narrow peach blossom, and his eyes were full of killing.

It seems to be ridiculing the lack of power in the night.

For the oppressive force released between the emperor and the invisible, the night is completely fearless.

She slowly evoked her lips and smiled at him like a smile: "I am a singer, rumored to be in the sky, omnipotent, but I am afraid of the feelings of a little woman?"

"The deity is afraid?" The emperor's mysterious image is a ridiculous thing to hear, and the eyes are slightly cool. "In the eyes of the deity, you are just a woman who is thinking about it. You really think that you can protect you with your ghosts. In front of the deity, glory and glory?"

The night fell slightly and looked up: "If you are not afraid of my feelings for you, if you are not afraid, you will be interested in me. If you are not afraid of falling in love with me, then... come over, let me kiss you again. ,dare?"


[First two chapters ~ see you in the afternoon! 】

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First place: Alize - 11888 coins.

Second place: Mingxi Xiyang - 10,000 coins.

Third place: Mu Xue - 5363 yuan.

Fourth place: Tang Beiyi - 3,694 coins.

(PS: Because the second place is the author of Mo Ye's author, it is just a simple reward for the celebration of the ink, so the quota of [Ming Yu Xi Yang] is cancelled, and the fourth Beibei baby is replaced.)

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(End of this chapter)

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