Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2596: Give dogs a pet

Chapter 2596 gives dogs a pet

Yin Yanxiu straightened up and said: "If the night girl thinks that Yue Yuezong is too embarrassed, I can also let the father, the forces that will borrow, all..."

"Yin Shaozong Lord." The night cleared the opening and interrupted his words. "You are the lord of the 沁悦宗, some words, should say and should not say, you should understand."

Yin Yanxiu’s words were in the throat.

Indeed, as the young lord of the 沁悦宗, if he really let the forces of the parties who lived in 沁悦宗, they leave because of the night.

He is a small lord...

It is completely ruining the character.

It will also ruin the reputation of Yu Yuezong.

Yin Yanxiu’s face is red.

It seems that even he himself can't understand.

In the moment when I heard the night and said that I had to resign, I actually said the thoughts in my heart completely.

The night cleared and did not let Yin Yanxiu continue to swear: "We will leave when we wait. Of course, if there is anything that I need to help, I can still help."

Yin Yanxiu nodded indiscriminately, "Hmm".

He knows that it is smart by the night.

His behavior.

The night must have seen the thoughts in his heart.

In fact, he really likes the night.

But it is also very clear that there is a big gap between himself and the Emperor.

He only thought about it, and became a friend with the night, this is enough.

did not expect……

He still could not control his emotions.

As the lord of the 沁悦宗.

His words and deeds represent Yu Yuezong.

He should try his best to restrain his emotions.

Because of this episode.

There was no further opening between the two.

It’s just going to drink tea at night.

Suddenly, one hand reached over and took her teacup.

The night fell, and the side was squatting.

Then I saw Emperor Mo Xuan board with a face and put the tea in her hand on the table.

Immediately, I mastered the wrists that cleared the night.

Pull hard.

The night fell into the arms of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The man's hand forced her waist around her.

The other hand, also circled up, not letting the night clear and have a chance to struggle.

"A Xuan!" The night whispered and shouted at him, Yu Guang squinted at Yin Yanxiu.

The man bowed his head and slammed it into her neck.

He bites a bit hard.

At night, the painful smashed eyebrows.

This scene, let Yin Yanxiu's gaze, do not know how to move, do not dare to see them.

Naturally, I also missed Di Mo Xuan at this time, like a pet-like expression that was taken away from the pet dog.

"A Xuan..." The night fell and whispered, and the little hand pushed his tight chest, "pain..."

I heard her crying.

Emperor Xu Xuan only loosened the strength of his teeth.

The man was full of grievances and unpleasant voices, and put it in her ear, saying very low and low: "I don't like you talking to him."

That he refers to Yin Yanxiu.

It’s jealous.

At night, I smiled and raised my hand and said: "Just talk about things. When we finish talking, we will leave here and will not meet with him again."

Emperor Mo Xuan was still unhappy, and tightened his hands. He was extremely childish and snorted in her ear: "My."

"Well, yours." The night falls and continues to follow the hair, and I like this very much. It is the feeling of being so attached to the mind and body.

Just following the hair.

There was a sound from the shelf.

Yin Qinghao’s body once again appeared in the study.

In his hand, there is a jade box with a white glow.

At night, the two clear eyes flashed slightly.

That is... the jade box carved by moonlight porcelain? !


[The activity countdown is two hours and ten minutes, the babies are hurrying for the time, and the zero point is on time for the event! If you can't post the baby in the small theater~ In the book review message~ you can ask for management to help you send it, it will indicate the generation~]

(End of this chapter)

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