Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2585: Should the Emperor of the Emperor have no calculations for the Miao people?

Chapter 2585, the Emperor should not have the calculation of the Miao nationality?

In the night, clear the lips, remember the words of Miao Yiyi, take a deep breath, and go to the emperor.

Suddenly, outside the yard, there was a loud noise.

Immediately, I saw that I lived in the Yuet Tsong, two or thirty forces, about 50 people, and walked in from outside the yard.

At night, he settled down and squinted at the eyebrows.

In my mind, there are four words in the background: the person is not good!

This group of people is indeed a poor person.

Moreover, the goal is clear and direct.

His eyes were after the overnight clearance.

I brushed the brush and looked at the emperor.

One of the Beibei continents is second only to the forces that once fought the king's palace. The masters of the family have smiled and bowed to the emperor Xu Xuan: "Emperor."

Then, he gave a small fist to the ghost Wu: "Ghost Master."

The other dozens of people are also one by one.

The ghost martial arts frowned, stood up impatiently and left.

There is no face for the representatives of these major forces.

Not everyone is annoyed.

For the scorpion of the ghost, they have long been used to it.

Anyway, their purpose is not a ghost.

"Imperial Master, I heard that you went to the courtyard of the Miao patriarch, and almost the calculation of the Miao patriarch. Fortunately, the Emperor of the Emperor respected the extraordinary strength of the Miao patriarch, but the Hmong patriarch was countered by his locusts... ”

When the words fell, the master of the family carefully watched the look of Emperor Xu Xuan, and took the courage to ask: "Isn’t the Emperor should not have... the calculation of the Miao patriarch?"

This problem made the heart of the night clear and stunned.

These people, I am afraid to come to temptation, is there any Miao people to poison the Emperor? !

Didn't you really convey the news of the emperor's mystery?

Otherwise, how can these people have the courage to come and test?

She immediately lifted her throat and looked at Di Mo Xuan.

Today, Di Mo Xuan has lost all the memories of her.


For those things about Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong.

Does he still remember?

These people, ask this question.

If Di Mo Xuan answered the question, it was a little bit wrong.

It will make this group of savvy monkey-like representatives represent the clues.

"He..." The night was just about to grab the words.

It was interrupted by a cold voice: "The deity does not matter."

The icy words are majestic.

There is something called a gas field that spreads around.

Fifty people were unprovoked, and they were chilling.

The family owner swallowed his mouth, and the pressure was so great that his legs were unstable.

Yes, think of the words that the person said in his ear.

If he does not follow the arrangement of the man, he will promote this drama...

He is absolutely... can't live!

At this time, the family owner is afraid again, but also to bite the scalp, continue to ask: "Emperor, or let the Elders of the Miao nationality check it out, your body is honorable, what happened in our Beibei mainland, if this is Passed out, how can you be a native of Beibei?"

An icy gaze fell on the body of the family.

A family owner is awkward and his legs are almost soft: "I...we care about your body."

Emperor Xu Xuan suddenly smiled.

The red lips are rosy, and a cold arc of chilling is lightly lifted.

The narrow peach blossoms are even more evil.

But... it’s chilling.

I laughed and became a family owner. I really couldn’t stand the pressure. I slammed it down.

"Caring for the deity?" Emperor Xuan Xuan began to ink, and laughed evilly.

(End of this chapter)

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