Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2583: Clear, you should not be close to the emperor for the time being.

Chapter 2583 is clear, you should not be close to the emperor for the time being.

Cold eyes.

No temperature tone.

The heart that cleared the night, the pain of a burst of pain.

The five fingers hanging on the side of the body, one by one, gradually tightened.

She is so straightforward and looks at Di Mo Xuan.

The emotions that flow between the charming.

Emperor Mo Xuan saw the shape, the eyebrows and peaks became more and more tight.

He stepped up and walked toward the night.

A few people around, face each other.

Then, do it together and want to stop.

But I saw the ghost who had been sitting, and suddenly stood up.

The timing of Ghost Wu standing up is just right.

Coincidentally, it was in front of Emperor Xu Xuan.

His body, the night will be cleared, completely behind the block.

Ghost Wu's face is still calm: "I respect you, I advise you to restrain your emotions, so as not to make things that you regret."

Emperor Xu Xuan's footsteps were slightly.

The sly peach blossoms, slightly picked up, sparkling with a dark and unclear luster.

"How? Even the masters of Ghosts and the group of people feel that the deity is amnesia?"

His voice is very low, revealing the dullness of the silk, like fooling: "The deity does not know, when did the Ghost Master become so secular as other people, trying to plug a woman to the side of the deity?"

On the ghost face, it is still not shocking, and the eyes of God's ink are determined: "If you think so, then it will follow you."

Emperor Xu Xuan has a thin lip.

He is naturally aware of the scorpion of the ghost.

I also understand that Ghost Wu will not help a woman for no reason.

What is the identity of this woman...

Why, like the people in this yard, are very familiar with her?

Moreover, she looks at his gaze...

It always gives him a feeling... just like the feeling of being pinned.

"Let's go." Di Mo Xuan sank the twilight.

Ghost Wu’s expressionless face, with a slight change, he frowned and wanted to speak.

Behind him, there was a quiet voice of the girl: "Master Ghost Wu, no problem, I believe that no matter what he becomes, he will never hurt me."

The girl said, slowly coming out from behind the ghosts.

She approached Di Mo Xuan.

Very close.

Almost his feet, against his toes.

The girl raised her head slightly, as long as she had a tiptoe, as long as he bowed again.

Both of them can stick together.

The two breathed and entangled each other.

Emperor Xu Xuan’s eyebrows are not so used to being so close to people.

I want to move backwards.

Can smell the fragrance of a woman.

His body was so stiff that he could not move.

Heart, there is a kind of inexplicable irritability.

The sweet fragrance of a girl is entangled in the nose.

The more he is in his heart, the more unusual emotions.

He was trembled.

The heart is like a bite of pain.

"A Xuan, you...how are you..." The night cleared the imperialism of Emperor Mo Xuan, and the shackles tightened and raised his hand, trying to cover his face.


Emperor Xu Xuan opened her arm.

A pair of eyes flashing purple and dark, staring at the night clear: "Roll! Don't touch the deity!"

His body kept trembled.

It seems to be suppressing what pain.

The night cleared the arm that had been shot red, and took a few steps back.

Emperor Xu Xuan looked at her eyes...

Full of killing.


It is the kind of killing that wants to kill her...

The night’s clear breath was tight and pale.


A few people around me saw this scene and their hearts were raised.

Miao Yiyi heard the movement outside and rushed out.

When I saw the emperor's mysteriousness, I was in painful and unbearable.

She immediately rushed over and explained: "Clear, you should not be close to Emperor for the time being!"


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(End of this chapter)

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