Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2563: How do you feel that there is something different about Emperor

Chapter 2563, how do you feel that there is something different about Emperor

Everyone is in a shackle.

Miao Zhengwei was scared and immediately squatted on the ground.

The words of Emperor Zun are obviously angry!

Someone wants to remedy, and eagerly said: "That is! It is simply insulting the Emperor of the Emperor who puts the noble Emperor and Miao Rongrong's fox who is not obedient!"

"The emperor is an adult, and this young master is here to confuse the public, I will misunderstand!"

"If the non-night girl and the emperor are coming, I am afraid I will be deceived by their Miao people!"

"Emperor, the Miao people have tried their best, and we have misunderstood you. You must severely punish the Miao!"


Everyone said it in a word.

They are so pleased with Miao Zhengwei.

How unrequited it is at this time.

Single-mindedly, I want to launch the Miao people, so as not to anger the emperor and burn them to them.

Yes, let the people ask for help, how to complain.

Emperor Xu Xuan has never opened again.

He didn't even look at them when he even looked at it.

The eyes are staring at the night without blinking.

The eyebrows are warm, as if his world is only one night.

Emperor Mo Xuan said nothing.

Everyone feels more and more cold in the back.

One by one, almost all kneeling on the ground for mercy.

At night, the palm of the hand gently grasped the palm of Emperor Xu Xuan, and looked up slightly, revealing a smile toward Emperor Xu Xuan.

The eyebrows are gentle and seem to be applauding.

The emperor's mysterious peach blossoms, a faint smile.

The night cleared again and pinched the palm of Emperor Xu Xuan, and immediately turned his head, the gentleness on the surface faded, and the smile caught on the frost: "I don't know what Axuan did, let you misunderstand?"

Her voice just fell.

In the bedroom at the right time, the sound of Miao Rongrong was as if it was stimulated.

At night, she raised her eyebrows and her eyes moved to the bedroom.

Everyone is exposed.

Night clear smile: "Miao Er Shaoye, you are not saying that Miss Miao Da is infected, lying in bed, life and death dying? How is there such a good nature... staged such a..."

Miao Zhengwei softly squatted on the ground, full of horror and watched the night clear.

In particular, after hearing the words of the night, his body shook.

The night fell and continued to smile: "Since Miss Miao Da is busy, you are standing here listening to the wall, if Miss Miao Da knows, isn't it shy to die?"

"We...we leave now..."

"We are smashing... we are leaving!"

Everyone can't wait to leave.

I heard that the night was clear, and one of them was almost the same, and the legs were going to go.

"Night girl, we did not deliberately come over." Yin Yanxiu's face of Confucius and Qing Jun, floated a thin red, "The Miao's courtyard, only to have a very strong mysterious wave, we are worried about what happened here, only to catch up Come, I didn't expect... just..."

He explained.

I don't want to make the night clear, he is such a jealous person.

His words just fell.

A pair of cold scorpions fell on him.

Yin Yanxiu was stunned and confronted the eyes of the Emperor.

The eyes of Emperor Zun are extremely cold, with a hint of ... hatred.

It seems very disgusting, he talks with the night.

"A Xuan." The night cleared, and the small hand clenched his big palm, his eyebrows were slightly stunned, and he looked up at Emperor Xu Xuan. "Don't mess."

Emperor Xu Xuan licked his thin lips, and there were emotional fluctuations in the shackles.

For a long while, he seems to be annoyed at the beginning.

Yin Yanxiu looked at the Emperor of the Emperor, and he passed a trace of surprise.

How do you feel...

Emperor Supreme seems to be a bit... not the same?


[The tooth hurts for two days, the rhythm of getting hurt, I really... I have to pull it! ! Oh, ah! 】

(End of this chapter)

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