Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2554: I will do better than them.

Chapter 2554 I will do, better than them.

"Let's leave here first. The enchantment here will be solved soon. The people of Yueyue Zong will also feel the changes here." Miao Yiyi said.

"Before I left... I have to send this father and daughter, a big gift."

The night cleared the light and slammed, pressing the hand on the back of Emperor Xu Xuan, unconsciously increased the strength.

She spoke.

In the tone, the killing is full.

A long and narrow fascination, with the light of the cold.

Miao Yiyi was scared by such a night clearing. She gave a slight glimpse and quickly understood why the night was so angry.

Miao Yixiong and Miao Rongrong, want to use the feelings, forcing the emperor to attach to Miao Rongrong.

Also, the Emperor of the Emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor, will let the Emperor Supreme Centrifugal Centrifugal...

This is completely stepping on the bottom line of the clearing.

"Clear, clear and falling... After all, the Miao nationality has a pivotal position in the northern part of the mainland. If the patriarch of the Miao nationality and Miss Da died in Yu Yuezong, it will cause a war between the Miao and the Yuet Zong..." Miao Yiyi looked at the murderous The girl who is soaring, reminded her voice.

The night cleared slightly, and the corners of the mouth were half-hooked. The evil spirits were: "You can rest assured that I will not want their lives. After all, the people who hate them more are you."

Miao Yiyi stunned, and the lips moved: "When did you know?"

"After returning from Bujia Village, I probably guessed it." The night falls and does not sell off, "plus... the attitude of Xuangui to you, it is more certain of your own guess."

Xuangui is obviously a clan of the Miaoyu family.

Only... The identity of Xuangui is not high.

Therefore, it will be insulted by Miao Rongrong in the Peach Blossom Restaurant.

Miao Yiyi hangs her eyes, a pretty face, and a layer of sorrow: "Sorry, know that you need a teacher... I have concealed you."

"Everyone has a secret that they don't want others to know. It doesn't matter." The night is clear and the voice is very weak. "Miao Rongrong has been abolished. Your sorcerer is better than her."

Miao Yiyi knew that she meant the meaning of this.

Miao Yiyi looked at the night and cleared her head. "I am stronger than her."

"So, you become the Miao patriarch, become a saint, will it make the Miao become better?" The night cleared the satisfaction and nodded, a pair of charming, but also a touch of light.

Miao Yiyi apparently did not expect that the night will be used in such a normal tone, saying ... so shocking words!

However, listening to the night when the last word is lost.

In the beauty of Miao Yiyi, she gradually floated a circle... a firm light: "Yes... I will do it better than them."

At night, she smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

Immediately, carrying with the Emperor Xu Mou, went to Miao Yixiong...

"Right, can you use the king, can you use it for me?" The night cleared and pointed, still in the battle, forcing the locusts to jump on the ancient locusts.

Miao Yiyi looked at the eye of the king with hesitation: "It is not easy to control, I am afraid... will hurt you."

"It has already recognized you as the main, and will understand your mood." When the night cleared the words, suddenly there was a feeling... It seemed like a king, and looked at her direction.

It is worthy of the ancient king.

It is also able to understand people.

In this case, it is more convenient to borrow the power of the king.

"You and Xuangui leave first, I will leave here before the enchantment disappears." The night clears the lips and slaps a bloodthirsty smile.

Smiles and sorrows, like a poppy, suffocating.

(End of this chapter)

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