Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2536: I am afraid there is fraud

Chapter 2536 is afraid of fraud

"Then why should he continue to hoe?" The night fell and looked like a curious baby.

Miao Zhengwei almost spurted a **** water.

Then I listened to the night and continued to pout and continued: "He shouldn’t want to die in front of us, then let us back the pot?"

Miao Zhengwei coughed.

The blood leaking from his forehead made him feel dizzy.

He staggered and slammed into the ground.

"Night girl... please, please save Rong Rong, only you... only you can save her..."

After saying this, Miao Zhengwei could no longer resist the feeling of dizziness, and completely passed out.

The night fell slightly and smugly, staring at Miao Zhengwei's pale face, scornful eyebrows: "This really wants us to back."

Emperor Mo Xuan put the blue silk scattered on her cheeks behind her ear: "If I kill him, no one dares to say a few words, but... Miao Rongrong, do you want her to die?"

The purpose of nightfall to the north of the mainland is to let the people of the nursery family to suppress the poison of Longyun Zhan.

If Miao Rongrong is dead...

Is it necessary to bring Miao Yixiong to Xiqiao?

"There is a better choice for suppressing the poisonous people for Azhan... I have a better choice." The night clears the mysterious hook of the hook. "But... at present, before it is uncertain, Miao Rongrong Temporarily unable to die."

"That, I will accompany you in the past." Di Mo Xuan did not ask, all respect the choice of night clearing.

The night cleared his eyes and stunned the eyebrows, and between them, passing through the dark and unclear: "I am afraid there is fraud."

Miao Zhengwei came to the door of her yard so loudly.

Absolute purpose is not pure.

Miao Rongrong is really life-threatening, but also... in order to lure her past excuses.

This point is yet to be verified.

"There is me." Di Mo Xuan smacked her head, and the thin lips raised a shallow curvature.

The night's eyebrows smiled, thick, and warm.

There is A Xuan, even if there is fraud, it will be solved.


The night fell and the Emperor Xu Xuan came to the courtyard where the nursery family and other people lived.

There is a clear gap between this courtyard and the courtyard of the people who have fallen in the night.

Stepping into the courtyard, I did not hear a little bit of interest.

The night clears the release of the sense, except for the room in the master bedroom, there are two people, the entire yard, no one else.

She raised her eyebrows and was a little surprised: "Is there really no trap?"

Emperor Xu Xuan’s head was covered on her head, and his eyes were deep: "On Xuan Li, Miao Yixiong is not as good as you, and it is unrealistic to arrange a killer."

"So I said..." The night was clear and stunned.

"What are their specialties?"

"蛊术." The night cleared and laughed. "I don't know if Miao Rongrong is in the poisonous hair, can you still kneel down?"

The two went directly to the room of Miao Rongrong.

As soon as he approached, he heard Miao Yixiong’s hoarse voice: "Rong Rong... My hopes are on you, you must not die... If you die, the Miao will be finished..."

Responding to him is an unspeakable cough.

"The night is not said, she needs you to help her solve the problem, she will never let you die... you hold on, the right guard will immediately come over the night... you will not die... you are the future of the Miao The saint..."

Miao Yixiong is still whispering something.

It seems that there is no awareness of the person behind him.

Suddenly, Miao Rongrong lying in bed, a violent convulsion.

Immediately, the very pale face became distorted.

The body is also bent.

The painful embarrassment spilled from her mouth.


[Updated today~ What? 】

PS: Moye said that the readers of Moye are the little angels of Moye, so... those black powders that claim to be readers should not insult the words "readers". Please love me, please don't love them. Retreat! I know that my baby’s temper is gentle, and I won’t argue with anyone. So, a simple sentence – reject black powder, start with me!

(End of this chapter)

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