Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2533: Nothing? Explain that I was not working hard last night.

Chapter 2533 is okay? Explain that I was not working hard last night.

The night cleared and nodded: "Well, to determine the good position, the soul of Xuanwu will be able to collect the completion."

"If I don't stay in the future, even if I sense the soul of Xuanwu, don't get along with the Miao and my daughters alone." Emperor Xu Xuan's hand, following her head, fell on her face without powder.

The long fingers, slightly curled up, pinched the meat on her cheeks: "The nursery family is not afraid of it, but... after all, it is nearly a thousand years, the place where the scorpion is the main. For the scorpion, you don't understand More, everything is careful."

"I know." The night was not to be outdone, picking up the toes and backhand to pinch his face. "Their father and daughter both went to me in the past two days, probably guessing their purpose."

"Know it, don't let me worry." The emperor's black peach blossoms are soft, gently clutching her delicate body, and thin lips are printed on her hair.

Feel the deep care and favor of men.

At night, the smile was sweeter, and his hands were circled on his neck, bringing him close to her.

Immediately, the pink lip gently dropped a kiss on his chin.

"Today's trouble, in the past few days, they have no energy to come back to find us trouble, you can rest assured." Night clear smile and bent.

In the emperor Xu Xuan was kissed by her, and I wanted to turn this kiss of water into a passionate kiss.

The night has cleared the body, like a butterfly, quickly trotting forward, but also turned back, glaring at him with a smile.

Show the girl's kindness.

Emperor Mo Xuan stood behind him and looked at the empty arm.

Look at the front, smiling girl.

A pair of potted peach blossoms, full of pets.

The sleek face of the Fenghua is also soft.

The corner of the mouth with a pleasant smile, the light of the focus, seems to be in my heart, all she is alone.

There are people nearby, passing by.

When I saw this scene, I couldn’t help but raise an envy and yearning.

When they saw the Emperor, they were very excited.

Can be so beautiful, they can't bear to bother, don't dare to bother.


After three consecutive days, it has passed.

On these three days, Miao’s father and daughter did not have the energy to come back to the trouble of falling in the night.

Perhaps because of the emperor's sake.

About the garden after that day.

No one mentioned it again.

No one deliberately mentioned the Miao and his daughter in front of the night.

In addition to occasionally coming to their yards, in an attempt to climb the relationship between the parties, it is calm.

On the fourth day, the sky was not yet bright, and there was a sigh of relief outside the courtyard of the night.

The night cleared and woke up from Emperor Xu Xuanhuai, and some tired and yawned.

When I heard the hospital out loud, it was Yin Guan’s deliberately low voice.

It seems to be with whom, what is arguing.

Emperor Xu Xuan's palm was on her eyes: "I was tired of you last night, and I slept for a while, I went out to squat."

"I'm fine, it seems to be the voice of Yin Guanjia, it may be something." The night fell to support the weak limbs, and smashed the scattered blue silk.

The waist slammed tightly, and the man’s murmurous dumb voice in the early morning, on the side of his ear, the sound of the screaming sound: “Nothing? Explain that I was not working hard last night?”

At night, the cheeks were red, and the little hand pushed open his chest: "You are not serious! Wear clothes and go out!"

Men's clothes are easy to wear.

Especially the emperor Xu Xuan.

Stretch your arms.

Get out of bed with your legs.

The purple robes that are expensive and elegant have been neatly dressed on him.

(End of this chapter)

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